Hey Guys,
Just when I was on the right track and moving forward for the surgery, My job is going out of business and I won't be placed no where else
...I am recieving a severance package for the amount of years that I spent there, but my insurance will expire in 10 weeks from next saturday...I only got as far as being approved from the psych to do this, I am currently doing the 6 months of dieting for the documentation that wont be completed until 3 more visits this is needed to be approve from Aetna and to see the surgeon Mr Leitmann.....being that I have a second job, but not qualify for insurance cus I am part time...Now I am trying to apply for medicade, but I am not sure if I would have to start this process all over again or if they even cover this...I am applying cus my pcp takes medicade also, I would rather keep him as my doctor he's been an
to me.....can someone give me some input or if they have went thru this and what have they done....

Hi. I have medicaid and they covered it with no problem! I only talked to them twice. 1 to see if they would cover it and 2 to double check just prior to my surgery. The lady was so nice and even gave me my authorization number. Just know that when you get medicaid you have to pick an HMO. That will be your primary insurance. My medicaid card is just used for prescriptions and dental. Otherwise I use my HIP card. I chose HIP and had no problems whatsoever. Good luck!