New to the site
Hello all I am new to this site. I am trying to research as much about wls because the last time I went to the Dr. he told me I would be a good canidate for it. He ran some test on me and I go back on Jan 28 the find results and find out what the next step is. My husband is in the Military stationed here in upstate NY. We just recently got here in Nov. from Colorado so it scares me to have a surgery since I'm in a new place with no friends or family here. All I have to lean on is my husband and he's about to leave for Iraq in Nov. of this year. So I'll be turning to you all for a little support if that is all right. However after all the research on and off this site it's makeing me realize this is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me (if it all gets approved) I'm trying not to get to excited about it. However I am 26 years old and been strugleing with this since I was born a big 10 lbs 11 oz.. Right now I weigh 270 at 5 foot 6. and the dr. says I should be at 130-145 I can't even picture myself that small. So if anyone has any advise for me I would really like to hear it.. Thank you for takeing the time to read all this.
Het there Tabitha, Welcome to the board. We will always be here for you, just type away and whatever the question I am sure someone will be able to help you. I had my surgery May 20th 2004 and I was 247 lbs before and a size 22-24 pants and a 3x blouse I am now down to 143lbs and I wear a size 4-6 pants and a small to medium blouse. I have to say this is the best thing I have done and if I had to to it again I would do it in a heartbeat with no question about it. I researched the surgery for 2 years before I went through with it. I stick to all the rules and I try my best ! I wish you all the best and may you have a uncomplicated surgery and a speedy recovery. If you don't mind me asking which surgery are you going to have? If you would like you can always e-mail me and I will get back to you. Have a great day! Welcome to NY!!!!!!!
{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Evelyn
247/143/past goal of losing 100lbs
Thank you evelyn I can tell this site is full of wonderful people who's a huge support for everyone. I'm not sure what surgery I'm gonna have done yet. Still researching all of them. if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I would really like lap but I still have to find a doctor and get approved by insurance. So like I said I'm just starting my long walk to being healthy.
Hey there Tammy! Yes this site is full of wonderful people! As for some advice: Have you contacted the insurance company to see if they even cover the surgery? If they do, have you asked them what the requirements are and all the paperwork that needs to be done. Do they ask you to have a 6 month supervised diet? I am sorry for all the questions but these are some of the things you need to find out make sure you ask them all the requirements this way you know what you have to do. Also here is a list of questions you can copy, paste and print out so when you do go to the Surgeons office you are ready to ask what you need. Make sure to take your list with you and please don't be afraid to ask the questions you want to, you have a right to ask and he is obligated to you to answer these questions! Below is the lis if there is anything I can help you with please let me know just e-mail me and I will come a running Have a great day!
Take this list of questions to the surgeon when you go:
1. What pre-op testing do you require, such as blood tests, gall stone sonograms, upper GI, lung x-rays, etc?
2. What can I do to prepare for the surgery, such as dieting, deep breathing, etc?
3. Do I have to do anything special the last few days before surgery, such as a clear diet, fasting, special soaps, or laxatives?
4. Do you require me to stop smoking before surgery? If yes, when? How will smoking affect my surgery and post-op time?
5. How will sleep apnea or asthma affect me during and after the surgery?
6. If I am allergic to ________________ how will this affect my surgery?
7. Please describe the surgery you perform?
8. Will you do the surgery with an open cut and if so, generally how long is the cut?
9. Can you do the surgery Laparoscopically?
10. Do you staple, suture or band the stomach?
11. Do you separate the stomach pouch from the distal bypassed stomach?
12. Is the anesthesiologist experienced with heavier people?
13. How much intestines do you bypass?
14. What size stomach pouch do you make?
15. Do you consider it to be a distal or proximal surgery?
16. Do you cut the acid producing nerve to prevent ulcers?
17. Do you instead prescribe an antacid post-op?
18. Will you do a liver biopsy?
19. How long will I be in surgery?
20. How long will I be in recovery?
21. What types of pain management will you provide?
22. What are the alternatives to the pain management if what you initial prescribe doesn't work?
23. Will I have an epidural?
24. Will I be in ICU?
25. Will I have IV's?
26. Will I have a nasal tube?
27. Will I be on a ventilator?
28. Do you insert a catheter?
29. Will I have drainage tubes in my incision or elsewhere? How many and for how long?
30. Will I need a binder and does the hospital provide them?
31. How soon will I be allowed to consume water after the surgery? What about ice chips?
32. Will you visit my loved ones in the waiting room after the surgery to tell them how the surgery went?
33. If I choose not to tell my loved ones what kind of surgery I am having, will you also keep this information private?
34. Which hospital will I be at?
35. Will I have a private room, or will I share with someone else?
36. When will I be admitted to the hospital?
37. How long is the hospital stay?
38. Does the hospital have gowns large enough for me?
39. Am I required to stay in the hospital until I have a bowel movement?
40. How soon and how often should I walk after the surgery?
41. Will I have lung therapy?
42. What type of complications are associated with this particular surgery?
43. Are there any reasons why the surgery may not be performed after you open me up?
44. If this is Lap surgery, is there any situation that might cause you to switch to an open?
45. What type of complications may I have post-op, such as vitamin or mineral deficiencies, hair loss, gall stones, infections, hernias, ulcers, etc?
46. Have you had any patients die on the table or post-op due to complications? Please explain:
47. Is there any risk of cancer or other problems in the bypassed portion of the stomach? How will these be detected post-op?
48. How will I have to eat immediate post-op and down the road?
49. Will I be able to eat "out" eventually? When?
50. Will I have problems with diarrhea or gas post-op? How can this be treated?
51. Will I vomit a lot?
52. What kind of post-op care/help will I require once I go home and for how long?
53. How much weight should I expect to lose and how fast?
54. Will there be medications that I can no longer take post-op, or medications I won't absorb normally?
55. Will I get sick eating sugars, natural or otherwise, or from eating fatty foods?
56. What percentage of calories and fat will my body absorb post-op?
57. How many calories and fat grams should I eat post-op?
58. How many grams of protein will I need to consume each day?
59. Are there any specific foods I should not consume post-op?
60. What supplements and medications will I be taking post-op?
61. What about pregnancy post-op?
62. When can I plan to get pregnant post-op?
63. How often should I get weighed?
64. What types of exercise do you recommend and at what stage post-op?
65. If it came down to life and death, can this surgery be reversed?
66. How many surgeries have you performed?
67. Can I speak to some of your post-op patients?
68. How much does the surgery cost and do you accept my insurance?
69. Do you think I will have problems getting insurance approval?
70. Will you help me in the appeals process, if necessary?
71. If I have to self-pay or pay a portion of the costs that insurance doesn't cover, will you accept payments?
72. Do you have a sliding pay scale?
73. Do you require a deposit? How much?
74. Do you have a support group?
75. When and where do they meet?
Hi Tabitha,
I'm new to this site as well, and even newer to the NY message board. So I just wanted to say HELLO!! I've found I LOVE IT here at OH, it's filled with amazing information, and even more amazing people!! I've seen that in the short few weeks that I've been coming to this site, it honestly becomes quite addicting after a while...but I love, love, love it!!
I wish you luck being in a new town w/out your friends and family near by. However, I'm sure you'll doing great, and adapt easily. And of course there are hundreds of really great friends on this site alone, so you'll never feel lonely, I'm sure of it!! So we'll be new together!! ok? hehe
Best of luck, and take care,