Good Snowy Morning Everyone!
Just wanted to say good morning to everyone. I woke up to 3 inches of snow out here on long Island this morning, and a temp of 11 deg.
even though winter is not officially due here till tomorrow. I think it is announcing its arrival today!
Hope everyone has a great day..
Stay warm everyone!
I know!!!!! It's the first morning I've woken up minus a lot of padding that it's been this cold. The house is warm enough. My son insisted on wearing a t-shirt, but I'm freezing. I never used to wear socks or slippers in the house, but now I want both of them. Also a new phenomenon as a woman, my chest never got cold. Now I'm layering there as well.
Stay warm everybody!
Morning Lee or should I say Good Afternoon It did snow up here last night but not as much as you have gotten but its darn right cold up here. It was 15 below ZERO this morning and now at 2:20 in the afternoon its a BALMY 2 BELOW "do I hear heat wave" Wish we had the snow up here as we need more so I can ride the snowmobile all over town. Hope everyone stays warm and have a great week.