Lap band support needed
Hi All,
My daughter had a lap band placed 7 months ago. She lost about 30 pounds initially, but has really plateaued in the last 4 months. She can eat full meals without difficulty- at least 2 full cups of food at a time. The only foods she has difficulty with are pizza crust and hard fried foods. Her lapband was filled twice- once 6 weeks after initial placement, then once in october. She tells me she does not feel any different, and remains hungry. She has not experienced any negative side effects- no vomiting, etc. I am so surprised by the amount of food she can eat at a meal. Does this seem right to other lap band people?
You should have your daughter visit the lapband message board, there are a bunch of us that could give her all the support she would need.
As for the amount she is eating, she should go in for another fill. Sometimes it could take 3-4 fills to reach your sweet spot. That is the best thing about the lapband, it IS adjustable, you just have to USE YOUR TOOL.
Does she go to the surgeon for followup? She needs to be proactive and schedule an appointment for a fill if the doctor is not following up with her.
banded 5/20/04
Im a lapbander just visiting here and im out 4months. everyone is different i have a 1cc fill and im still having alot of problems eating certain foods. i PB and vomit when i eat to fast, dont chew enough or even if im anxious or upset. Its not a nice feeling...but its a great reminder to STOP and think about what your doing. your daughter need to see her surgeon and keep up on this if shes able to eat full meals..she needs a fill. i still cant eat bread, pasta or rice and my surgeon told me he didnt care if i was able to eat them again ever. I wish your daughter continues success. All the Best!