The Runs For Good???
Heres a Pre-Op Question for You...
Ok 2nd post in 1 day, this has gotta be impotant right? So I'm talking with a friend today on the phone, letting her know about my decision. She says to me, " Did you know that you will never poop the same again?" Apparently her cousin had WLS and from then on every time she had to go to, she had diarrhea. She also said that when you have to go, no matter where you are, you gotta do it because you can't hold it.
I truly don't mean to gross anyone out, but that worried me alot. It is true?
Wasn't true for me - happened the first few weeks, and there are definitely a lot of times it's "softer" than it used to be, but pretty 'normal' and not anywhere near diarrhea.
Of course, that being said, it depends a lot what you eat - with RNY, if you eat sugary things, your intestines don't like it much, so you *might* end up with a lot of loose bowels, or a lot of gas, and a "gotta go NOW" syndrome.
If you eat like most surgeons agree you should, then it shouldn't be a problem (ie: it isn't for many people, if not most people I've talked to).
Good luck!

Have to say I experienced that for a few weeks and then discovered it was all because I wasn't getting in FIBER and my body is sensitive to how much I need..too much or too little and i'm in trouble. As soon as I started eating things that had a fiber content..walah...I've been doing great ever since. I'm almost 8 months out and lost 92 pounds. Slow but steady
Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question. I know it was of a personal nature and I really do appreciate all your opinions and personal experiences.
Sara - I will tell her to pass on the idea of speaking with her Dr. now that I know it's not a permanent condition and probably shouldn't continue to happen many many months post-op.
Way To Go everyone on your amazing results!! I love that obese people can get the support they need from other people who have experienced the same pain from being overweight. There is nothing better than having someone truly understand you from their own personal experiences. This really is a wonderful support tool. I find myself anxious to get home from work just so I can look in on everyone - so to speak - and learn from them.
God Bless every path your put your feet to.