You are right Alice it is one heck of a ride we are on with this surgery, I look at myself in the mirror some days and cant believe its me looking back. I did save my biggest pair of pants and shirt from the ones of me in my before picture. That picture was taken on new years eve almost two years ago. So this new years I am going to take my picture in the same spot with the same BIG CLOTHES on and post it to my profile so I can see the difference. It should be a BIG CHANGE from what I use to look like with a 200 PLUS pound loss. Anyway sorry for not posting as much but I have so many more things that I can do now and not enough time in the day to do them but know I do check the main board and our local NY board everyday, I might not post but I do still read and check out what is going on. When warmer weather hits we should all plan a get together in the city some weekend. Also just to pat myself on the back a little I went to the OH Convention in DC last month and I was the winner of who lost the most weight of all the POST OPS that were there so chalk one up for us NYERS on that.
Tony 02/19/03 420/215/DONE
HI ALice,
I am 2 months post op and I have lost 50 lbs. I am feeling so much better (i.e. walking without pain, able to wipe my kids but after the potty , not to mention I can wipe my own as well, etc etc). I am feeling great and I survived Thanksgiving!!!!
I am glad you all are here and I would do it over in a heartbeat!!!!!
I dump if I mess up (don't chew, eat too fast) but I am trying to learn from my mistakes.
Talk to you all soon,
Presh in NY
LAP RNY 10/1/04
I am 22 days post op and down 22 lbs. I am feeling great and enjoying the new foods I am adding to my diet daily! Still waiting for hubby to put together my eliptical machine but am doing lots of walking every day - not specifically for exercise but trying to get my Christmas shopping done, lol. I go back for my 4 week post op dr visit on December 22 and hopefully I will keep up this lb a day for a while!
God bless you and keep you.
Hello Andrea~~
Your doing wonderful--22 lbs in 22 days and feeling great, I am so happy for you. Sounds like you having no trouble with getting in your protein. Now, don't forget about your water, it's important to stayed hydrated!! Good luck with your appointment and Christmas shopping. I'm sure you will get that shopping done. This will be the first of many Happier and Healthier Holidays for you!! Please keep us posted on your progress!!
Hello you wonderful and special lady!
Today I am two weeks post-op. Imagine my surprise when I had my staples taken out on Wednesday and was weighed at my surgeon's office. Since 11/10, I have lost an even 25 lbs!
So far I'm having some problems tolerating chicken and tuna (just doesn't want to digest easily but it all stays down); shrimp has been pretty easy to handle. Just like a pouchie, I have to eat very slowly and deliberately. I get full on less than 3 oz of anything -- even yogurt!
Pretty much all traces of surgery pain and discomfort are gone and I've been able to pull myself up from a completely laying down position for almost a week now.
So all in all, I'd say I'm doing pretty darn well. It's amazing what love and support and prayer can do for a person. I'm a very fortunate human being and full of gratitude ... As our Amanda S says "gratitude is my attitude."
& {{{HUGS}}} &
Hey Melissa~~
What a wonderful surprise to find your post here this morning!!!! No more pain and discomfort for you and your moving around better. I am so happy for you. I know that our chat was short but I must say you are the "sweetest lady" with such kindness in your voice.
CONGRATULATIONS on that 25 lb loss.....this is only the beginning.....just wait!!!! Forget that chicken, it stills give me trouble. It's takes awhle to see what pouchie will handle. Imagine getting so full on 3 oz, it's so strange in the beginning.
Thanks for stopping by - please post again - when your feeling up to it! Val has been keeping us update......but we need our Melissa back here!!
Enjoy the day and don't forget to keep sipping tha****er!!
Hi Alice:
I am still kinda new here, but I am only two days from my first visit with Dr. McKane. I am anxious to begin, but also a bit nervous.
I have learned many things from all of you wonderful people who post here.
Thank you for taking the time to post and to answer all of our questions or help with our problems or to just listen.
Thank you for telling us about your journeys so we can have an idea what to expect.
You are all wonderful.
Thanks for stopping by and letting us know how your doing. I see that your at the start of your journey and you have your first appointment coming up. It's a great idea to have a list of questions written down for that appointment. This way you won't forget to get all your questions and concerns answered. If you need help with what to ask your dr, just post and we will be happy to help you. Have you been reading everyones profile...just click on a name and it will get you there. Also check out the before and after pics.....there amazing. Good Luck and post and let us know how that appointment went!!!!