surgery jitters
hi all,
i am having my wls in 2 weeks and have been getting nervous.
now i know this is a morbid thought but if i don't make it through, i want to write a letter to my son telling him how much i love him. he will be 2 next week and i am finding it very hard to even write this letter. it is like saying goodbye when in my heart i know i have to have this surgery and it will be ok.
has anyone else gone through similar feelings?
thanks for any advice!
Shea, What you are thinking about is quite normal. I made a Health Care Proxy and made copies of it. One was for my daughter and one was for the hospital. I also told her where to find the insurance polices, and the policy I have from my job. You go right ahead and write a letter to your son. You will be fine. Take it from someone who has been through your ordeal. My daughter is 28 and she did not want to talk about it.
You are not saying goodbye. You are just preparing incase something happens which could happen with any surgery. Come on out from the and you will be fine.
P.S. Write that letter......... will watch over you.
God Bless you.... Lorraine
hi lorraine,
thank you so much for the support. i have written the letter and i must say, it was the hardest thing i have ever done. i cried through the whole thing but in the end, i know it was the right thing for me to do.
i'm glad to have such positive feedback and also know that my feelings are normal. "aunt flow" showed up this afternoon so i thought that maybe i was being a little too hormonal!
thanks again!
Shea~~I am sorry that you have to go through this, but what your feeling right now is very normal! If you feel the need to write a letter, go ahead lots of people do this. But you are going to do just fine. Keep yourself busy, plan a b-day party and celebrate big time with that litttle boy. Just keep on remembering "why" you wanted to have WLS and about that brand new healthier and happier life!! Wishing you all the best!
hi alice,
thank you too for your support! i am doing just what you suggested. my big dilemma right now is whether or not to get the elmo plates or the blue's clues plates!
i am positive that his is the right decision and am looking forward to doing all of the things i am unable to do now...
thanks again alice!
Shea, I have 3 kids: 6, 4, and 17 months......and I was in the hospital for my 4 yo's birthday (talk about guilt!!).....I wrote them all letters, telling them how much I love them, special things about them that warm my heart, and why I needed to do this for me and for them. I figured if I died in surgery or after, they'd have a piece of me to take with them and get through the dark days, and if I made it (I did! ) then they'd have something to read later that shows them all how much I love them and how hard this was for me to do.
Everything you're feeling right now is totally normal. Enjoy your little guy's special day, and know that for his next birthday, his best present will be his Mommy's health and happiness!
hi claudia,
thanks for the support and advice.
i did write the letter and as you can relate, it was the hardest thing i have ever done. i cried the whole time but now feel relieved.
i posted to alice that i am now focusing on his party and am perplexed as to which character plates to get!
thank you again for the support...
you are all so wonderful and pull through when a girl really needs it!