Question for post ops with young kids
Seeing as my surgery is just over 2 weeks away I need to start preparing my kids (2 and 6). I am not sure WHAT to tell them though. My 2 year old wont understand much at all but my 6 year old will. Does anyone have any ideas???? I know with my 2 year old I need to be very basic, just Mommy is going away for a few days, and when I get home that she needs to be gentle with me for awhile. I am at a loss of what to tell my 6 year old. he is very emotional and tends to worry alot. Please

Hi Janet. I have 3 kids: 6 & 4 yo boys and a 16 month old girl. My 6 yo is a worrier too. I told them that I had a problem in my tummy that my doctor was going to fix, and that once it was fixed, I'd be able to run around w/ him in the yard, and not be so tired and grumpy all the time. But in order for it to be fixed, I'd have to go to a hospital for 2 or 3 days, and have an IV (my 4 yo LOVED that! LOL).....and when I came home I'd have a bunch of ouchies on my tummy that they couldn't touch, but could look at whenever they wanted. I think giving them (particularly my 6 yo) some control helped. They came to see me in the hospital, but I had been walking a lot and was tired & sore, so they didn't stay long. But they've been great. I made them walk w/ me once I got home, so they could say they have a part in Mommy getting well, and they both offer to get me water or "juice" (sf KoolAid). The hardest part was not lifting the way that was going to happen for 6 weeks, but my husband was home for the first 2 weeks, and was SUCH a help. I went back to work after a week. I just am not a patient "patient".
Also, once you get home, you'll be fine to sit and do a puzzle or a quiet game.....seeing you "do" stuff, even though you can't do all your usual stuff will be very reassuring. I went to "visit" my 6 yo at school 6 days after my surgery....he loved it!
Best wishes! You'll all adjust just fine.....promise!

Hi Janet,
My surgery is the same day as yours!! and I have two also 3 & 2 years old. I was just going to tell them that I was going to be away for a few days but I see your 6 year old will be a little harder to deal with. I would tell a very simple truth you know in their terms so that he can be sure to cautious with you when you come home. Good Luck.
Hi Janet, I have two children also 3yo & 18months. The 3 yo is smart way beyond her years. I told her i was going to the hospital so that the doctor could help me lose weight.she didnt understand that, so i said mommy was going to get skinny.(that she knew) when i can home she told me dont worry mommy.."your not skinny yet"I also had a hernia repair at the same time with wound and dressing changes that i didnt want her to see...but she would put on the gloves and tell the nurse"Im going to fix mommy's bleed" they look to you for reassurance that your gonna be ok...when then get that...they usually dont panic.your 6yo can be a great "helper",getting you a drink, a blanket,a pillow etc..and een helping with he baby.he can feel proud that hes able to do things for you. All the best!

Hi Janet,
I have a 4 year old and 19 month old. My daughter( 4 years old) acts like she is grandma therefore it was easier to help her understand. I told her that I ate too much junk food or (bad food) that I got little bugs in my stomch. And the doctor has to take them out. I told her she was incharge of taking care of daddy and Junior( she loved that). I also told her that mommy is going to be hurting for a while since the doctor had to give me shots. She understood. She was very good after I had the surgery. But my little one, he became very cranky and sad and just very upset all the time untill I was good enough so he could sit on my lap. Then he was fine. the positive part of the little ones is that they forget but my daughter will remember this. she tells everybody that mom got hurt in the stomach because she ate bad food. (funny)
Hope this helps...
Good Luck!!!!