sleep study
I know what you mean...I was told I have sleep apnea and I needed the CPAP machine (I still think its a lie to get money out of your insurance company for the damn thing) I got the CPAP because my surgeon would not touch me if I didn't comply. I tried using it in the beginning but I wake up every 20 minutes and feel like I can't breathe. I sleep worse with it. The funny thing is once I had my CPAP, they never wanted to see me back for an appointment to follow up. I had to bring it to the hospital for my surgery and they found when I used it my oxygen lvl dropped and an oxygen mask worked better...go figure...Just be glad its over
I agree with the lousiness of the test. What a horrible experience!!! The first time I went I was calm & fell asleep relatively easy but woke up at 4:00am wide awake because it was so hot in the room & I couldn't move around at all with all the wires. I had to shower there in this creepy nurses locker room & got to work at 5:15am & slept in my car till 8:00am.
Second time I needed to go back I went into a panic attack when they hooked me up to the cpap machine & the more you freak out & try to talk the worse it is. I did eventually calm down & was able to sleep off and on throughout the night. Again with the creepy shower, but felt so wide awake that day that it was increadable.
I have had my machine now for a year (wow that went fast) & love it. I've had nights in the beginning where I ripped it off my face in the middle of the night but that was just in the beginning. I use it every night & I love it & my boyfriend loves it cause I'm not tossing & turning all night & the hum of the machine helps him fall asleep.
I'm getting ready to think about going back to get tested again cause it has been a year & I am down 75 pounds so far & sleeping much better but it was such a hack to do it that I am not looking forward to it.
My advise is to keep using it no matter what. You will get used to it & it will help you!!!
hi emi,
i too feel the same way about my sleep study and they determined that i need to use the cpap machine. i have never had any trouble sleeping and i was only tested due to my wonderful husband commenting that i snore!
i am using it beacuse my dr. will not perform the surgery unless i use it but i have great difficulty sleeping with it. i have been exhausted since i got it 2 weeks ago...
hopefully it will get better!
good luck on your journey!