GHI cbp Anyone?
Good morning everyone
I hope this post finds everyone starting out to a beautiful day!
I am about ready to pull my hair out from starting the process of waiting on the insurance approval for my surgery.
My date is set for Nov. 10th but my insurance does not allow the packet faxed, so therefore they have not received it yet, and I was told it could take 45 days to process!! Talk about frustration.
I was wondering if anyone out here.has GHI cbp and could help me out with some advice or their story as to how they approval process went.
I know there are many GHI's and I am having no luck what so ever finding someone who has the cbp one.
Any help here is so greatly appreciated!!
Thank you very much,
Laryssa in insurance limbo
Hi Laryssa
I hav GHI cbp my profile says ppo but it is cbp, you need to be medical necessary and a six month suprivised diet. You should call your insurance company cause every company has a different policy so do call and find out any exculsion.
It is a long and frustrating jourmey but in the end it will be worth it.
Best of luck to you on your journey.
Hi Laryssa
I have GHI CBP federal. The approval process was less than one week. My surgeon submitted everything to them and in less than a week, GHI contacted them; they needed a history of each weigh-in with my PCP for the 6 months. I obtained that info from my PCP and faxed it to my surgeon. They faxed it to GHI and I was approved . My surgeon's office handled everything. I had no dealings with GHI. Please feel free to email me anytime.
Wishing you all the best. {{{{{hugs}}}}}