Going back to work....
How soon did everyone go back to work? I'm a special ed teacher, working w/ autistic preschoolers for 2 hour sessions individually. I only have 2 kids, so it's 4 hrs/day. And it's not strenuous at all, I just sit in a chair and go through their drills, then play a game, etc.....
I'm thinking I'll be going back to work this week.....can you tell I have a problem w/ patience?
I figure as long as I don't lift, and get in my fluids & protein, I can pretty much sit on any chair, right?
(BTW, I should mention I mowed my yard today.....I know, I know...but it was a riding mower!!!)
Today is my three week out date and I am at work as we speak. Like you there is nothing more strenuous then sitting in a chair. I was so bored and I feel like a million so I came back. I hope I'm not sorry , but I have a great boss who would let me go home if needed. I feel great all day but am very tired at night. So good luck but take care.
Tons of hugs....Kathy
Going back to work is totally determined by you and sometimes your surgeon. I actually went back my third week what I did was work only in the morning and kept it very light. The first day I worked the whole day and boy, I was BEAT at five. For the next two weeks I paced my work load (meetings) and never worked the whole day. This way I was able to gradually wean myself back into the swing of things. It takes its toll but eventually you bottom out and find yourself back in your routine. Also, believe me just sitting will and can take out a lot from you. All the best