Renee H. has a FACE
Hey Guys,
I just had to post this!! Yesterday after work I saw Renee H, at the express bus stop and we rode home together. Boy did she look fabulousssss!! Her face was sooo clear and just vibrant and SMALL!
she was saying to me how she use to think she had a big head and now it's sooo small but I sware she looks GREAT! She is down 50 lbs and I want to
on that success even though her journey is not over it really never is in WLS, she looks good and is definately well on her way to her goal.
Renee you need to post some pic up girl..
I notice in any weight loss when you lose you seem to always notice it ni the face and it sure did show in Renee!
You go girl...
Also it was very pleasant to see and talk and LAUGH with you.. This girl had me in tears of laughter... she is a trip but this is another reason y I love her....
Anyhow just show her some luv and wish her well because she also has not been feeling too well lately....

You said that you were going to create a post about me and you sure did - but I'm gonna get you when I see you later on!
But thank you for the compliments, sweetie. I really appreciate it. But hey, it does feel like my head shrun****pt looking in the mirror going "is my head getting smaller". But it is a miracle. My face cleared up, I lost one of my chins (hell, you only need one) and if I do say so myself, the absence of all that puffiness that you see in this pic on the left does make me look younger. I don't feel vain about it - I feel BLESSED.
You are right though. This journey does have it's bumps in the road. Some worse than others. *shrug* But I'm going to make the best of it.
-52 lbs.

hi Angelene and Renee,
Angelene thank you for updating on Renee. I was wondering when we would know what her numbers were
And Renee Congratulations on your success girl. Yeah it does seem that everything gets smaller the more you lose. But it's great that you are doing well.
Love to you Both,
Claudia D D
What's this? My angel
is losing weight, looking fabulous
(thx to angelina with the update! ...
good lookin' out!), and yet not feeling well.
What's this? OMG My angel better go on and be as fabulous as she is and everyone know's she is! You go girl!
Lift that head up mama and strutt yo' stuff.
They R delivering my CPAP machine 2morrow so I should have a date for you by the end of the week.
in harlem, NYC