Good Morning NYC!!!!!
Its been a while ever since I have posted on the board but I want to let everyone know that I am still around. I have been going through some major problems at home so thats why I havent been on here but now I am back and hopefully will stay here for a little while I can.
New update is that I have lost 39lbs as of last week saturday and I am feeling great about it. The clothes is fitting big and need I say that the heads are turning towards my direction
. I am giving it to them like they never got it before, watch it everyone cause here I come and there is no stopping with the speed that I am approaching with
I want to extend a special GOOD MORNING to Renee, Mercedes, Marcia, Nicole H, Sarah, Celena, Angelene, Mery, Christine and all of you whom I have forgotten that always keep in contact with me. For those of you who have sent me e mail wondering where I have been thank you very much. Just want to let you all know that besides all the problems I've been encountering I am still around and also behaving myself
Much Love
Cruzan Papi

Hey Miss Nicole,
Thanks for the holla girl. All is well with me so far, just setting everything for my move and all that good stuff. I will make sure to give you all my new info very soon. You better behave yourself girl cause we sure dont need for you to get into all that stuff on the board.LOL.. Well let me get back to work and we will talk later.
Much Love
Hi Johnathan,
Congrats on the weight loss your doing a great job keep it up !!! I doing ok just got down 61 lbs I hoped for more but I'm very happy with the way I'm losing the weight nice and slow its probably better for my skin this way !!! I also upped my excercise so now I walk 2 miles a day with walk away the pounds and use 5 lb weights so this should help me with the loss and muscle tone take care !!!!


Hey Mami,
Yes girl you know I am feeling great aint even funny and for sure you will be seeing me very soon. I havent taken any new pics yet but I will very soon. If I had them you know you would be one of the first to see it. Well Ma you keep up the good work on the weight loss and for sure I will be talking to you very soon about my whole situation.
Much Love