Can I butt in?
Most of you know Vi (none of your business
Vi....) from the main board - she's from CA (but, since I know a lot of you guys here on the NY board- I thought you wouldn't mind me posting this here, too)
She is going through some very scary medical stuff right now.
Last week they found a tumor on her left ovary. She is still in the process of doing more testing, but will probably have surgery this Friday or next week.
Please stop by her surgery page and send some East Coast Love over to the West Coast and offer her some words of encouragement and comfort:
Thanks in advance - I know I can count on you guys.

Hi to everyone
And thanks to everyone offering support and love to Vi -
I know how wonderful the NY board is and I knew I could count on you guys!
You are too funny - thanks for giving me credit, but I didn't write it- one of those email jokes. Hope that you are doing well.
I am doing fine! Just getting ready to take the puppy out for a walk.
You guys are WONDERFUL.