Tomorrow is the day!!!!
Hello everyone
I can't believe it's here! 
I know these words have been echoed by many people. I am so happy that I can say them now and will be even happier when I can say I made it to the losing side.
Thank you to all the wonderful people who take the time to read and respond to my inquiries and to those who offer support and encouragement.
This place is irreplacable.
After 25 years of obesity and a tease at being slimmer (-60lbs w/VBG-failed), I am sooooo ready.
At this moment and for the last couple of days, I have been feeling a bit on edge, but good. The problem is that I am not nervous about the procedure, but about the recovery pain. I have had an open VBG in 2002 in a lousy hospital with no regard for the patients (forced me to lie down and get up repeatedly w/o med for x-rays less than 24hrs. after surgery, a nurse who insisted on giving me heparin shots intramuscularly (in my muscle) leaving my arm swollen and bruised for close to 3 months and a surgeon that showed his face for 3 mins in 4 days. As a person with a high threshold for pain, I was at the end of my rope.
Being given the meds I was allergic to on discharge didn't help any
I have off course changed my doctor and hospital and don't expect the same misconduct
It's just a little hard to shake the feelings as I have to go through another open procedure
With all that vented, thanks for allowing me to.
Please keep me in your prayers
I will keep you in mine
I thank God for this opportunity again and I can't wait to start really living!