SUPPORT GROUPS IN NASSAU COUNTY? Hi there Lynn check out this might help I see there are nassau county meetings . Good luck to you. I was thinking pf attending one of those meetings myself....Lorraine
The support group for Dr Rajeev Vohra is the first Tuesday of every month. It's at South Nassau's Hospital in Oceanside. It's this Tuesday at 7pm. If you want more info, you can call his office at 374-8631. Although their groups are only once a month, they have a tremendous staff that's always willing to help anytime.
Thanks, Debbie
Hi Lynn~~
Is your Dr associated with Drs Gadaletta & Gellman? If he is, they have Support Groups, just call the office for the correct info. I think it's required that you attend meetings before your surgery, which is a great idea. You will get a lot of great information and be able to ask all the questions that you want answered. There will be lots of people who have had your dr and can tell you all about the hospital too! Good Luck and let us know how the meetings are!!!