anyone who use Dr.Holover with Aetna have recs for a nutritionst and psych?
I am with Aetna and seeing Dr.Holover but the in house nutritionist and psychologist do not take Aetna and I am having a hard time finding one that will take aetna and that does consults for bariatric surgery. Anyone have any suggestions, i have already called around a few docs in patchgoue with no results. Any part of LI will work for me.
I'm using Dr. Holover, I have HIP not Aetna, but from what I have heard from many others there are no nutritionist that specialize in bariatric surgery that accept insurance. I'm sure there has to be an exception to such a blanket statement but I have yet to hear about it. I used the practices in house nutritionist and paid out of pocket, she was lovely & very informative. I did her appointment last of all I needed so i saved for it while I did all the ones insurance covered :)