Good Morning!
Just thought I would pop in and say

Another nice sunny day here in Upstate. Sipping coffee and trying to get my oldest in gear to go shopping. He says he NEEDS short sleeve shirts. While I am there I guess I will HAVE to pick up a few things.

Ok, we are still slow on the traffic here on this forum. Let's go! I know there are lots of people from NY!
I am not gonna start sharing any secrets

So tell me what are you folks up to today???
I usually don't post much anymore...toooooo much drama.
I live in Owego NY...not too much going on here. I do attend support group meetings in Ithaca, which is where I had my RNY (7/08).
I really haven't read much on the NY board, but I'm going to pop in more often. I do read and sometimes post on the OFF board (over 50 forum)
So what's happening in NY?????
If you want more info on goes .l have lost just about 200 pounds..had more complications than you can count on both hands and am visiting my surgeon this week just to see if I have another hernia. I've had 9 surgeries since my RNY..( let me see..1,2,) yeah about 9..some were weight loss related the others....we don't quite know if they were weight loss related or not.
My last surgery was in Feb. for an incisional hernia...tummy wise I think I'm bionic by now.
My support group in Ithaca is fantastic and we all love our surgeon.
Guess thats enough for now..i'm off shopping for a bathing suit for an aqua class that starts in two weeks...
ta ta for now..
Yes it is a lovely day here in Upstate - I'm only a few miles from you Lisa. I had my surgery at Albany Med last year and attend the weekly support group there.
I have a somewhat laid back day planned. I was going to go for a long walk but I've got a dehydration induced headache that I need to resolve by 1pm so I can go to Cohoes Music Hall for Gypsy. So right now I am busy sipping water and chilling in front of the computer with the TV on.
I'll try to be better about posting here. There does need to be more activity. I think I need to get my group peeps more involved!
Have a fab day everyone! Deb
"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."
Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus
Thanks for popping on! I am hoping to get some more action here.
You are pretty close to me!
I hope your headache is gone and you enjoy this wonderful day! Have a good time at the show too!
I had my WLS at Ellis a year ago January and am "lovin' every miniute of it".
Just came in from sitting in the sun. It feels so good!
Thanks for your participation. Please check in often!