The Truth About Slider Food
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Pouch Discomfort Leads to Slider Foods
The Four Rules Hurt
"The very nature of restrictive gastric surgery causes discomfort to result after eating. When we follow the rules eating lean protein with limited complex carbohydrates without liquids, the dense food matter, chyme, fills our stomach pouch quickly and densely with a small amount of food volume. The density causes a tight feeling that is uncomfortable. The desired result is that we stop eating when we feel discomfort or fullness," writes Kaye Bailey in Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test.
It is confusing to patients of restrictive gastric surgery because we have spent our lives seeking comfort through eating and reaching a feeling of fullness. So after surgery we eat a very small amount of food, not enough to enjoy, and rather than achieving a satisfaction from fullness we experience discomfort that borderlines pain. The discomfort may go so far to cause nausea or vomiting.
The bariatric centers say this discomfort is how the tool works. Kaye writes, "If we understand this discomfort as a desired result of eating we learn to stop short of the discomfort and nausea and over time appreciate the one-bite-under sense of satiation."
From Day 6, Kaye continues, "Unfortunately, though no fault of our own, we are disposed to find a more comfortable way of eating which ultimately leads us off course. In weight loss surgery street talk we call it "eating around the pouch". Yet I dare say finding a more comfortable way of eating is more adaptation than deliberate disobedience to the new rules we have been taught. . . It begins with the reintroduction of liquids or moisture with meals. We do not do this as a flagrant in-your-face show of rebellion; we are simply seeking a way to make eating more comfortable."
"Finding acceptance, respect and comfort for how the gastric pouch works is a challenge we will face for the rest of our lives. Our call to action is to make the pouch work when it is contrary to everything we have known up to the point of surgery. We must actively contrive a plan to work in concert with the pouch if we intend to go beyond the Four Rules and enjoy lifelong health and weight maintenance using our surgical tool."
Acknowledging the restrictive nature of the pouch is the first step in working with it, not against it, for lasting effectiveness with surgical weight loss. The Day 6 book explores many opportunities and techniques to work the pouch as it is intended.
5 Day Pouch Test Website
Slider Foods: A Review
In general, slider foods are non-nutritious food that we eat in unmonitored portions and wash through our stomach pouch into the intestine with liquids. Most commonly consumed slider foods are pretzels, crackers, chips, cookies, bread or other processed simple carbohydrate food. Slider foods are eaten over time, not at a mealtime setting.
As a point of clarification I am often asked if yogurt, soup, protein-fortified pudding, and whole grain breakfast cereal with milk are slider foods because of the near-liquid consistency. Two things will keep these foods in the meal category: nutritional content and measured portions. Slider foods are non-nutritious processed carbohydrate food eaten without regard to portion size or nutritional value and washed down the pouch and through the stoma (pouch outlet) with non-nutritious liquid in unmeasured portions. They are consumed mindlessly without awareness to volume or the specific deliberate intent to provide nutrition to the body.
It is true that yogurt, soup, protein-fortified pudding, and whole grain breakfast cereal with milk will pass through the pouch more quickly than solid lean protein and we will not experience the feeling of fullness as long. However, because these liquids contain nutrients, our bodies will continue to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food as it passes through the jejunum into the small intestine.
Review the basics of the 5 Day Pouch Test
The health content provided by LivingAfterWLS, LLC is intended to inform, not prescribe, and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice and care of a qualified health-care professional."
Take Care, 
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"