Wake up, NY. What are you grateful for today?!
So, in last night's LIPO meeting, we spoke a bit about gratitude...
It has me thinking a lot about all the things I am grateful for....thanks to my surgery....so...
I thought we could all list one or more things we are grateful for...it's something I don't want to forget to remember! I was thinking of making this a recurring thread, so none of us forget.... =)
I am grateful....
That I am ALIVE and able to finally, finally LIVE MY LIFE!!!! =)
What about you?
It has me thinking a lot about all the things I am grateful for....thanks to my surgery....so...
I thought we could all list one or more things we are grateful for...it's something I don't want to forget to remember! I was thinking of making this a recurring thread, so none of us forget.... =)
I am grateful....
That I am ALIVE and able to finally, finally LIVE MY LIFE!!!! =)
What about you?

*~*PROUD OH Support Group Leader*~*
Join SCALE~Second Chance At Life Everyday~Click HERE!
*Discount Codes: NY Conference MarloweNY11*

Excellent Post Heather! Thanks! 
Wasn't last night yet another AWESOME LIPO meeting? Lisa, Karen and I have received some postive feedback about the hot topics discussed!
Also, Carol, if you are reading this....Thank you soooo much for the whole "Gratitude Attitude" conversation and reminder!
Okay, it's my turn....
I am grateful for my beautiful healthy daughters, my good health and AWESOME LIPO friends that I have met since WLS!
Okay....who's next?

PS Don't forget,
every morning while you are brushing your teeth and looking into your mirrors, remind yourself of the "gratitude attitude" conversation!

Wasn't last night yet another AWESOME LIPO meeting? Lisa, Karen and I have received some postive feedback about the hot topics discussed!

Also, Carol, if you are reading this....Thank you soooo much for the whole "Gratitude Attitude" conversation and reminder!
Okay, it's my turn....
I am grateful for my beautiful healthy daughters, my good health and AWESOME LIPO friends that I have met since WLS!
Okay....who's next?

PS Don't forget,

To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here: www.liponation.org
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at theessenceofmaryellen.com/

To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here: www.liponation.org
"WLS is a journey, not a destination (don't get comfortable) ... it's a road that we must travel daily to succeed". Faith Thomas
visit my blog at theessenceofmaryellen.com/
I am appreciative of so many things! I'm just too blessed to be stressed!
But at this very moment, I'm grateful for having the courage to address my concerns about a group project that my grad class is working on. I felt one member was taking over the entire project and I very carefully addressed my concerns and the group agreed with me. Even the lady that was "bullying" the project.

But at this very moment, I'm grateful for having the courage to address my concerns about a group project that my grad class is working on. I felt one member was taking over the entire project and I very carefully addressed my concerns and the group agreed with me. Even the lady that was "bullying" the project.
It WAS a good meeting!!! I enjoyed it and took a lot away--like all this gratitude stuff....I don't want to forget how far I have come!!! =)

*~*PROUD OH Support Group Leader*~*
Join SCALE~Second Chance At Life Everyday~Click HERE!
*Discount Codes: NY Conference MarloweNY11*

Hi Heather! Good post!! I have so...many things but most especially I guess is thanking God for giving me the strength and courage to have my surgery. I tossed and turned so about it and have been morbidly obese my whole entire life so it was my security blanket so to speak. I prayed and God listened and guided me so I first am grateful to him, then to my family (and those at OH) my good friends and co-workers, even total strangers! Oh and of course my beloved dog Clancy!! How fortunate we who have had surgery are to know that there is another side to life besides not being able to live it due to being too heavy!! Here's to us all!!! Yeah!! We rock!!! Bye all

You're right, Mary!!! We do rock! Totally! And, it's much better to rock....than to rolllllllll, like we did when we were at our heaviest! LOL
All kidding aside, I think we are all VERY brave to admit that we needed help, to take this HUGE step to do the surgery and then to commit to and follow our programs! It's even brave to reach out on here or to our live support groups!!!
Thanks for pointing this out!!!
Hugs, Heather =)
All kidding aside, I think we are all VERY brave to admit that we needed help, to take this HUGE step to do the surgery and then to commit to and follow our programs! It's even brave to reach out on here or to our live support groups!!!
Thanks for pointing this out!!!
Hugs, Heather =)

*~*PROUD OH Support Group Leader*~*
Join SCALE~Second Chance At Life Everyday~Click HERE!
*Discount Codes: NY Conference MarloweNY11*

I am grateful for that too, Mom!!!! More than you know! =)

*~*PROUD OH Support Group Leader*~*
Join SCALE~Second Chance At Life Everyday~Click HERE!
*Discount Codes: NY Conference MarloweNY11*

I am greatful for so many things - my RNY, getting my health back, my family (I won't list them all), my friends and way too many more to count or list.
"The road to health will have speed bumps, pot holes, stop signs and asshole drivers that cut you off... but with WLS, never doubt that you will get there."
Resolve never to quit, never to give up, no matter what the situation.--- Jack Nicklaus
That is wonderful, Debbie! Love your avi...cuuuute kitty! =)

*~*PROUD OH Support Group Leader*~*
Join SCALE~Second Chance At Life Everyday~Click HERE!
*Discount Codes: NY Conference MarloweNY11*