
4 hr appt with Arnot Bariatric

(deactivated member)
on 6/8/09 8:26 am
Has anyone ever been to this initial session?  Any idea on what I can expect?
on 6/8/09 1:46 pm - Horseheads, NY
I have to attend the 4 hour group in July on the 14th.  I would love to see the responses to this as well.  I know that you meet with the Nutritionist, Debbie from the Insurance department, and Jo the Bariatric Nurse, also Dr. Cole's wife.  Worked with both before they left Guthrie Medical in Corning.  Both were great people then and I am sure they still are.  Then I have my one-on-one sessions with Nutritionist and Social worker the following week.  I think they give us a bunch of literature and forms that we need to fill out from what the receptionist mentioned as she was setting up my appointments.  I seen Dr. Subramaniam Sadhasivam, M.D. for my consult appointment on June 2, 2009 and he told me that it will be a good 3-4 months at least before I will have surgery and I will probably need to have a sleep study done to check for sleep apnea.  I know I do snore alot, but don't know if I stop breathing in my sleep.  Had tubes put in my ears last September and didn't have any problems with anesthesia then or any problems with breathing that they mentioned, so I can't imagine that I have this problem.

Ready to begin my journey to a new me! 

(deactivated member)
on 6/8/09 11:19 pm
Hi there, thanks for your response!  Once I go to the appt tomorrow, I will be sure to post on here what happens. 

Do you mind me asking what insurance you have?  I have EmblemHealth which is underwritten by GHI.  I'm pretty sure they require a 6 month supervised diet but I'm guessing the insurance person will let me know for sure tomorrow as to what their experience has been with them.
on 6/9/09 2:08 am - Horseheads, NY
I have United Health Care through Corning Incorporated.  I was told by the inusrance company when I spoke with them with questions about coverage that I might need 6 months of dr. supervised weight loss, I explained that I never really went through my doc, only did diets on my own but spent about 4-5 yrs on the LA weightloss program and then after they went bankrupt, I spent 6 months with Weigh****chers.  They said that this will probably count as it was a supervised diet.  I have copies of my paperwork for LA/Pure Weightloss but no receipts for either program.  I can get copies of my Credit Card statements showing that I paid for the programs as proof though as well as for my memberships at the YMCA for exercise.

Ready to begin my journey to a new me! 

(deactivated member)
on 6/9/09 4:37 am - conklin, NY
Hey Dear Friend, make sure you bring a little snap because its a long day lol.  When I had mine I brought a little nap sack with a turkey sandwich on wheat a bottle of water and a couple little carrots and made sure I ate in between people coming in because the drive is a hour and half there and a hour and half back for me, so I did have to have lunch, lol.  You will be in a room with a bunch of other people and think about things youd like answered tonight and write them down so you could ask the right person tomorrow.  They will give you information on what your surgeon would like from you and they will give you a booklet of information on what you do before, during, and after surgery.  Plus they will give you information on the process of everything.  Towards the end Debbie will come in and give everyone copies of their insurance policy and have things outlined and then she will go over it with you and tell you what you are gonna need to do and what has already been done and so fourth.  It will go by quickly.  And when you see the social worker she asks questions about things your eating and dieting and things surrounding your life and your attitude towards yourself and your decision to have weightloss surgery.  The nutritionist looks at what your eating and tries to give information on changing some things and alternatives for things you are eating that arent good for you.  Then youll see Angie who will give you a physical and order any tests you need.  Then your at the step Im at.  You will meet with your surgeon for your post intake visit and then your paperwork will be reviewed and any holes filled in and then it will be sent off to the insurance company.  I hope this broke it down for you better and that it was helpful.  Tell me how your group information meeting goes!!  Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 6/9/09 4:56 am
Thanks so much for all the info!  That really gave me great insight as to what to expect.  I hate being in the dark about what is going to take place!

on 6/10/09 6:22 am - Chemung County, NY
I'm almost 1 yr post op, went thru the Arnot bariatric w/ dr Sad (sadasivam sp?)  the 4 hour meeting consist of what you'll be going thru, first if the insurance part, they contact your insurance and everyone in the room receives their own personal paperwork from the insurance and what the insurance will cover and not cover, any pre stuff you might have to do (6mo supervised diet, ect) , next you visit with the ss worker, she gives you the in's and outs of what to expect after surgery, what you'll need to do to get ready for it and such,,,,after that you see the nutritionist (called nut on the messages forums here) she will explain what you can eat, not eat, no drinking from straws, explain why you need protein, what vitamins you'll need and all that good stuff.  its a very informative meeting bring a bottle of water with you, and eat before you come, This meeting is mandatory, you have to go to it to advance to the next set of meeting and test......hope this has been of some help to everyone...

LeeAnn   HW 284/ SW 270/ CW 170/ GW 165
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/09 8:32 am
Thanks LeeAnn, I attended the 4 hour appointment today.  It was very informative and went by quickly.  Ours went as follows:

1. Nutritionist
2. Social Worker
3. Nurse Case Manager
4. Insurance

We also received a book and timeline of events/appts that will take place hereafter. 
on 6/10/09 11:26 pm - Chemung County, NY
You will be amazed on how fast its going to go by now....during your 4 hour session they gave you a form to fill out about prior weight loss attempts, make sure you fill it out, then make a copy of it...the other piece of paper they gave you was a sample letter that you need from your primary doctor, what I did was I gave my primary MD that sample letter and my chart of weight loss attempts, from those 2 papers and the MD's information on me, he was able to write an awesome letter for the insurance company about why he felt I need this surgery.   Do you have any medical issues???  sleep apnea, bp problems ect.  Make sure everything is up to day on all of that, and your meds are current,   Let me know if I can be of anymore help to ya....All I can say is its the best thing I did for myself.....i'm down 100 lbs,, no more high blood pressure, no more sleep apnea....and I'm loving life!!!!!!  

LeeAnn   HW 284/ SW 270/ CW 170/ GW 165
(deactivated member)
on 6/10/09 11:35 pm
Awww LeeAnn, that sounds so awesome!  Congrats on the 100 lbs!  I know you must be feelin' like a million bucks!

I was wondering--for anyone who went to Arnot--did your insurance pay for your visits with the dietitian and social worker?
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