Hi, My name is Ginger and I live in the Rochester area. I was on this board a couple of years ago to post about my ex sis in law after she had her surgery and all. But since I decided then, it was not for me LOL. I stopped coming here. I do not even remember my name on here.
However, I have gained like 40 pounds in the last 2 years so yea, I need help. I have tried every weight;loss plan out there and I am only 31. I can not play with my children or do much housework without being in a lot of pain. Anyways, I am still waiting for insurance to kick in.
However, I have gained like 40 pounds in the last 2 years so yea, I need help. I have tried every weight;loss plan out there and I am only 31. I can not play with my children or do much housework without being in a lot of pain. Anyways, I am still waiting for insurance to kick in.
Hello Ginger and re-welcome to OH!
What kind of things can we help you with and support you in?
Are you now thinking WLS may be an option? While you are awaiting insurance there are many things you can choose to do. The first one would be to research research and research your options. I was 29 when I made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery, that was over 6.5 years ago...
WLS is a journey and many take years to decide if this is an option for them. Knowledge is powerful and you can never have enough. Finding a support system here and in person at support groups is anothetr free option you can take part in!
Working the preop phase as a dress rehearsal is highly recommended to prepare physically and emotionally. I made soem simple changes in my diet and exercise preop as I needed to lsoe 30# AND ended up losign 45# preoP! My mindset was the best change during that 4 mo or so period of time.....l
What one thing are you willing to change today was my motto and also the longterm results had to outweigh the immediate gratification of anything I was putting in my mouth preop. THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST CHALLENGING THING ANY OF US GO THROUGH.........WE ARE HERE 4 U!
What kind of things can we help you with and support you in?
Are you now thinking WLS may be an option? While you are awaiting insurance there are many things you can choose to do. The first one would be to research research and research your options. I was 29 when I made the decision to have gastric bypass surgery, that was over 6.5 years ago...
WLS is a journey and many take years to decide if this is an option for them. Knowledge is powerful and you can never have enough. Finding a support system here and in person at support groups is anothetr free option you can take part in!
Working the preop phase as a dress rehearsal is highly recommended to prepare physically and emotionally. I made soem simple changes in my diet and exercise preop as I needed to lsoe 30# AND ended up losign 45# preoP! My mindset was the best change during that 4 mo or so period of time.....l
What one thing are you willing to change today was my motto and also the longterm results had to outweigh the immediate gratification of anything I was putting in my mouth preop. THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST CHALLENGING THING ANY OF US GO THROUGH.........WE ARE HERE 4 U!
Take Care, 
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
thanks! I have tried every diet program out there and my own will power is very much lacking. I am so tired of being tired. My first goal is to stop drinking soda, the next goal after that is to just stop eating anything other then planned meals. I tend to eat a lot between my already huge portions at meal time. I have some exercise video's that I am going to start back in again hopefully next week when my cold is done. I am too sick now to start them LOL> I love drinking water but soda is a downfall of mine.
I have some great support around me too. A friend went through this last summer. She can no longer have any sugar and that scares me. What if I could never have a candy bar again? But, I am too the point, I just do not care. I have to get this weight off of me, before it kills me. I also notice my children are picking up my habits. It just needs to stop. I want to be thinner, but healthy. I want to feel pretty again. I have a ton of wants, you already know them as I am sure you all have gone through the same very thing.
I have some great support around me too. A friend went through this last summer. She can no longer have any sugar and that scares me. What if I could never have a candy bar again? But, I am too the point, I just do not care. I have to get this weight off of me, before it kills me. I also notice my children are picking up my habits. It just needs to stop. I want to be thinner, but healthy. I want to feel pretty again. I have a ton of wants, you already know them as I am sure you all have gone through the same very thing.
You are not alone in any of your fears or concerns. We ALL have/had them! As far as soda and candy bars you mentioned...They used to be a staple of mine. I now have NO desire for them. You won't miss them either when the weight falls off and you are into the new lifestyle.
Use the time to preop just like Jamie said - to start the change. It doesn't have to be drastic, but start! The drinking before/during/after meals is a great place to start. Don't worry if you don't succeed right away. It's a change that you should strive to make. That way you are that much more prepared when you do have surgery and HAVE to not drink before/during/after meals.
Then, in the "honeymoon" after surgery, do not "test" yourself on what you can or can't eat. Follow the diet plan your doctor has you on. Also ask the nutritionist to come up with meal plans pre and post op. You'll be surprised what (and how much/little) you can and can't eat.
Above all, remember when your mind starts swirling, Take a deep breath, hold it, then say to yourself, I'm not alone! You will have tremendous support here on OH and whatever support group you attend. Just go to EVERY meeting. It'll help keep you honest!
We are all here for you as you can see. Lean on us....
Use the time to preop just like Jamie said - to start the change. It doesn't have to be drastic, but start! The drinking before/during/after meals is a great place to start. Don't worry if you don't succeed right away. It's a change that you should strive to make. That way you are that much more prepared when you do have surgery and HAVE to not drink before/during/after meals.
Then, in the "honeymoon" after surgery, do not "test" yourself on what you can or can't eat. Follow the diet plan your doctor has you on. Also ask the nutritionist to come up with meal plans pre and post op. You'll be surprised what (and how much/little) you can and can't eat.
Above all, remember when your mind starts swirling, Take a deep breath, hold it, then say to yourself, I'm not alone! You will have tremendous support here on OH and whatever support group you attend. Just go to EVERY meeting. It'll help keep you honest!
We are all here for you as you can see. Lean on us....