protein shakes??
Hi All,
I gained 10 pounds... i am now 161 pounds.... i like to be 150 pounds again..
yes i did stop the gym. i dont have much time to do the gym and work but i did talk to kevin today at the hospitals gym and i said yes i should rejoin. yes i do miss it and he told me maybe i should go see the nut. i dont know how she can help. i think i am called an emoninal eater. not sure. yes i eat if i am not even hungry even when i have good snacks in the house i want to eat them.. i dont get sick on sugar and i wish i did.. since i can eat sugar stuff and not get sick..
Can I start just doing protein shakes and foods with protein in to lose the 10 pounds?
what do are your idea's?
thanks, anita
I gained 10 pounds... i am now 161 pounds.... i like to be 150 pounds again..
yes i did stop the gym. i dont have much time to do the gym and work but i did talk to kevin today at the hospitals gym and i said yes i should rejoin. yes i do miss it and he told me maybe i should go see the nut. i dont know how she can help. i think i am called an emoninal eater. not sure. yes i eat if i am not even hungry even when i have good snacks in the house i want to eat them.. i dont get sick on sugar and i wish i did.. since i can eat sugar stuff and not get sick..
Can I start just doing protein shakes and foods with protein in to lose the 10 pounds?
what do are your idea's?
thanks, anita
Anita Jo:
Hello, thank you for this topic and your honesty!
Glad you posted your challenges. It is the first step in many toward recovery I believe. OH YES HAVE I EXPERIENCED THIS! (as a RNYer it happened at 7mo out and came back with a vengeance yrs 3-4! and is an ongoing challenge for me at 6+++yrs out)
It sounds like you are aware of the lifestyle changes that have resulted in a weight change. (emotional eating/grazing/less exercise/less nutritional food choices).
I will answer your question perhaps not in the way many will or you are anticipating, but instead answering it in the way for myself based on my experience and that I have seen of thousands of postops that may be beneficial.
The short answer is sure go ahead do high protein or shake only diet for a few days, you will lose wt...BUT it will return, you will be reminded of the visiius cycle of diet deprivation and mmost likely rebound with a binge...diets do not work preop and postop the same. It is due to the fact we are MISSING the ture issue, out emotions. If we focus on the gut we can never fix the underlying issue....(IMHO). Therapy will probably get many of us father ahead than any protein shake!!! Many do the 5 day pouch test, again in my opinion another diet what happens day 6????
This is such a common quetion I save a reply see below (yes it is the long version!)
I hear your wounded child cries, who is attempting to find happiness/peace/safety/control by using food as a way to soothe emotions such as: fear, loneliness, sadness, anger, shame, guilt, hurt. When this happens for me I look within myself asking what am I FEELING and why? I just know for myself the road of my destructive emotional eating as a dangerous and unhealthy/unfulfilling one that leads me further down a path of self-destruction/hate. We know the bypass lessens in its support of my lifestyle by 6-7 months, leaving me a small window of opportunity to build my foundation for health. The choice now for me is to build on the foundation I laid all that time ago w/ habits, as well as reinforce it with healthy choices and positive self-talk. I decided I needed to stop hating my body and love it as it is today and know I am loveable at this moment....Happiness and success will NEVER EVER come from an external source (person, object, number on the scale). It can and will ONLY come from internal self-discovery and love. Listening to my BODY is key, my natural physical hunger, my body knows and will not let me down....When I take on the helpless victim personality and have overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, helpless and out of control I learned that I am trying to control an external thing (i.e. food) as a means to control my inner turmoil.. For me these feelings spill over into an addiction food (could be alcohol, drugs, sex etc for others). Either in a way that is restricting (counting calories, carbs, watching the scale daily) or permitting (like the overeating out of control binge eating you have described).
I am wrapping my brain around: 'DIETS NEVER WORK', they always lead to a binge....Over/under/controlled eating is a symptom of the internal out of control feelings we have...We want to be happy and healthy yet we can not if we continue to punish ourselves w/ food (by restricting or permitting)..We can move out of the victim role, and heal and thrive! It takes work to look within, feel our feelings, see how we are involved in areas of our lives that reinforce our victim personality, healing the inner child, seeing how that hurt has permeated our current lives/personality and relationships w/ food and others. Having the healthy adult in us allow balance and growth and protection for the hurt child, so we can be safe and not need to control our food or have those emotions spill over into an external control that will never fix the internal out of control feeling. Only working on the internal self-talk, emotions can do that. This is my current journey as years 3-6 for me have been quite different than years 1-3. So for me it is time to look at the deep inner child work I never have done, the emotional issues because it is my choice and I choose no longer to be a victim and I choose today to love me as I am. This is what a good therapist who understands WLS and eating disorders can help, as can reading, support groups, etc.
NOW I am not perfect, for me to see things in others is far easier for me than seeing it in myself. I am on a personal journey for wellness and I am only offering what is working for me, diets never worked because they were an external control that could never heal my internal self...I hope this makes sense and it not taken negatively. It is my way of letting u know what is working for ME and maybe it can reframe your thoughts and work for you!
Sometimes we consume our lives with food, thinking about what we can and can not have, when we can eat or should eat, how much, how often, how it should be cooked, when to buy it, how much, etc that we occupy so much time and do not even realize that we have no time left to feel (the point) in an addiction, it takes over us so we can forget us and what we are scared/fearful of feeling/being.
Think of today as just another NEEDED step in your million mile journey to health and long-term success; which WLS is one of the million as well *it is not the destination*! Which we mourn long after we have it! Those that have goals that are health focused and functionally focused do the best (vs. those that are scale or weight/number focused). I am such a firm believer in not allowing the scale (or hunkametal that it is) to rule or dictate ones life/thoughts/feelings any longer, I agree we want to lose wt but gaining our health and ability to function in life are far more important than any number the scale can read; otherwise if it never reads the number we think, others say, a chart suggests we fail and that is simply not true!!! Most of our lives we have set RIGID, UNREALISTIC WEIGHT LOSS GOALS for ourselves that are BOTH UNATTAINABLE and CHRONICALLY DISAPPOINTING and lead to DEVASTATION & the slippery slope of self-sabotage...Review the UNDERLYING lifestyle change such as exercise, food choices, self-awareness/monitoring, avoidance of emotional eating, adherence to living self responsibly in a CONSISTENT way that is the foundation to our long-term success. For me I keep telling myself daily that***THE GOAL SHOULD NEVER BE A NUMBER*** These choices are what makes WLS work long-term and not be another failed diet attempt (and believe me it is for MANY! So I use that fear to keep plugging along)...It is a wonderful tool to build the foundation and sadly one that has ways to be defeated/broken down as we all can discover
(grazing etc). Consider writing all the 'supports' of diet/exercise/lifestyle changes, coping skills etc for non-emotional eating (i.e through individual therapy, support groups) you have worked on, now where do you need to add reinforcements? You now are seeing it can collapse and the WLS tool if not used properly/consistently can be defeated w/o the extra supporting structures...Like having only one wall of your basement in place before putting the house on top.. what happens? it can crumble w/ the weight of the house (your life/the worlds challenges), but if you have the 4 walls in place (food choices/planning/healthy and consistent choices, exercise, self awareness/monitoring, support); then the WLS tool can just reinforce that foundation and make the house stand strong for a long long time! Your tool will be back soon, but the tool to work on now may be the brain! For me it is anyways!
I have been taking some much VERY NEEDED time for myself and wellness. I have needed to take care of me and stop avoiding that as I have when I take care of everyone else! I am understanding and learning that loving ourselves is not selfish, that I need to feel loved inside so I have love to give others; if I continued not taking care of me and only having self hate and anger then that is all I would have to give others....We are all learning and growing, keep growing and learning with us here!
I have been using mediation, positive affirmations, reading, groups, individual work to work on my recovery, and accepting my imperfections!
Here are a few references for you if interested....
These are guidelines i am working on fitting into my life..not rules which are rigid, but guidelines which are flexible! I have 3X5 cards I take w/ me and place at different strategic spots such as fridge, computer to remind me!
(*To avoid emotional or unconscious eating)
1. Eat when you are hungry
2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment *NOT THE CAR!
3. Eat w/o distractions, including radio, TV, newspapers, books, magazines, intense anxiety producing conversations or music.
4. Eat only what your body wants.
5. Eat until satisfied.
6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.
© Geneen Roth
Daily Affirmations for Compulsive Eaters (Paperback)
by Susan Ward List Price: $7.95 ISBN: 1558740767 (*Avail on amazon and probably any bookstore!) I have used this yr after yr!
''It's Not about Food: Change Your Mind; Change Your Life; End Your Obsession with Food and Weight'' By: Carol Emery Normandi, Laurelee Roark $9.72 ISBN:
''Life Is Hard, Food Is Easy : The 5-Step Plan to Overcome Emotional Eating and Lose Weight on Any Diet'' By: Linda Spangle $9.72 ISBN: 0895260573
''Choices: Taking Control of Your Life and Making It Matter'' (Paperback)
by Melody Beattie $10.17 ISBN: 0060507225
''The Language of Letting Go'' (Hazelden Meditation Series) (Paperback)
by Melody Beattie "This is a book of meditations..." ISBN: 0894866370 $11.53
''Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself'' (Paperback) by Melody Beattie ISBN: 0894864025 $10.85
Donna Bird also has some great CDs
Breaking Free from the Victim Trap $9.95
An easy-to-read book on Healing Codependency by Diane Zimberoff, newly revised in 2004. (Softcover)
Consider CODA meetings *if this is an issues for you* for a meeting near you, of OA both can be great supports and are free for your recovery journey!
AND I am journaling almost daily my EMOTIONS...I guess my point is we al need a toolbox, and our success may be based on how many tools we have! Not any one thing works for recovery (the band, the RNY) therapy, support groups, meditation, journaling, exercise etc it is a combo of any one/all that assists and eases the journey I guess! Or at least that is HOW I SEE it! Be well.
YOU most certainly are not alone!!! Consider the definition below for addiction and how it may for you *looking at the price you were willing to pay for a number on the scale (erosion of band and possible severe complications such as perforation of stomach etc* Consider seeing the food addiction is getting a strong grip on you...,I know it is what I needed to read in black and white to help me make different choices...
One simple model for understanding addiction is to apply the three Cs:
·Behavior that is motivated by emotions ranging along the Craving to Compulsion spectrum
·Continued use in spite of adverse consequences
·Loss of Control.
Feel free to write me off list if you have any other ??! [email protected]
Hello, thank you for this topic and your honesty!
Glad you posted your challenges. It is the first step in many toward recovery I believe. OH YES HAVE I EXPERIENCED THIS! (as a RNYer it happened at 7mo out and came back with a vengeance yrs 3-4! and is an ongoing challenge for me at 6+++yrs out)
It sounds like you are aware of the lifestyle changes that have resulted in a weight change. (emotional eating/grazing/less exercise/less nutritional food choices).
I will answer your question perhaps not in the way many will or you are anticipating, but instead answering it in the way for myself based on my experience and that I have seen of thousands of postops that may be beneficial.
The short answer is sure go ahead do high protein or shake only diet for a few days, you will lose wt...BUT it will return, you will be reminded of the visiius cycle of diet deprivation and mmost likely rebound with a binge...diets do not work preop and postop the same. It is due to the fact we are MISSING the ture issue, out emotions. If we focus on the gut we can never fix the underlying issue....(IMHO). Therapy will probably get many of us father ahead than any protein shake!!! Many do the 5 day pouch test, again in my opinion another diet what happens day 6????
This is such a common quetion I save a reply see below (yes it is the long version!)
I hear your wounded child cries, who is attempting to find happiness/peace/safety/control by using food as a way to soothe emotions such as: fear, loneliness, sadness, anger, shame, guilt, hurt. When this happens for me I look within myself asking what am I FEELING and why? I just know for myself the road of my destructive emotional eating as a dangerous and unhealthy/unfulfilling one that leads me further down a path of self-destruction/hate. We know the bypass lessens in its support of my lifestyle by 6-7 months, leaving me a small window of opportunity to build my foundation for health. The choice now for me is to build on the foundation I laid all that time ago w/ habits, as well as reinforce it with healthy choices and positive self-talk. I decided I needed to stop hating my body and love it as it is today and know I am loveable at this moment....Happiness and success will NEVER EVER come from an external source (person, object, number on the scale). It can and will ONLY come from internal self-discovery and love. Listening to my BODY is key, my natural physical hunger, my body knows and will not let me down....When I take on the helpless victim personality and have overwhelming feelings of guilt, shame, helpless and out of control I learned that I am trying to control an external thing (i.e. food) as a means to control my inner turmoil.. For me these feelings spill over into an addiction food (could be alcohol, drugs, sex etc for others). Either in a way that is restricting (counting calories, carbs, watching the scale daily) or permitting (like the overeating out of control binge eating you have described).
I am wrapping my brain around: 'DIETS NEVER WORK', they always lead to a binge....Over/under/controlled eating is a symptom of the internal out of control feelings we have...We want to be happy and healthy yet we can not if we continue to punish ourselves w/ food (by restricting or permitting)..We can move out of the victim role, and heal and thrive! It takes work to look within, feel our feelings, see how we are involved in areas of our lives that reinforce our victim personality, healing the inner child, seeing how that hurt has permeated our current lives/personality and relationships w/ food and others. Having the healthy adult in us allow balance and growth and protection for the hurt child, so we can be safe and not need to control our food or have those emotions spill over into an external control that will never fix the internal out of control feeling. Only working on the internal self-talk, emotions can do that. This is my current journey as years 3-6 for me have been quite different than years 1-3. So for me it is time to look at the deep inner child work I never have done, the emotional issues because it is my choice and I choose no longer to be a victim and I choose today to love me as I am. This is what a good therapist who understands WLS and eating disorders can help, as can reading, support groups, etc.
NOW I am not perfect, for me to see things in others is far easier for me than seeing it in myself. I am on a personal journey for wellness and I am only offering what is working for me, diets never worked because they were an external control that could never heal my internal self...I hope this makes sense and it not taken negatively. It is my way of letting u know what is working for ME and maybe it can reframe your thoughts and work for you!
Sometimes we consume our lives with food, thinking about what we can and can not have, when we can eat or should eat, how much, how often, how it should be cooked, when to buy it, how much, etc that we occupy so much time and do not even realize that we have no time left to feel (the point) in an addiction, it takes over us so we can forget us and what we are scared/fearful of feeling/being.
Think of today as just another NEEDED step in your million mile journey to health and long-term success; which WLS is one of the million as well *it is not the destination*! Which we mourn long after we have it! Those that have goals that are health focused and functionally focused do the best (vs. those that are scale or weight/number focused). I am such a firm believer in not allowing the scale (or hunkametal that it is) to rule or dictate ones life/thoughts/feelings any longer, I agree we want to lose wt but gaining our health and ability to function in life are far more important than any number the scale can read; otherwise if it never reads the number we think, others say, a chart suggests we fail and that is simply not true!!! Most of our lives we have set RIGID, UNREALISTIC WEIGHT LOSS GOALS for ourselves that are BOTH UNATTAINABLE and CHRONICALLY DISAPPOINTING and lead to DEVASTATION & the slippery slope of self-sabotage...Review the UNDERLYING lifestyle change such as exercise, food choices, self-awareness/monitoring, avoidance of emotional eating, adherence to living self responsibly in a CONSISTENT way that is the foundation to our long-term success. For me I keep telling myself daily that***THE GOAL SHOULD NEVER BE A NUMBER*** These choices are what makes WLS work long-term and not be another failed diet attempt (and believe me it is for MANY! So I use that fear to keep plugging along)...It is a wonderful tool to build the foundation and sadly one that has ways to be defeated/broken down as we all can discover
(grazing etc). Consider writing all the 'supports' of diet/exercise/lifestyle changes, coping skills etc for non-emotional eating (i.e through individual therapy, support groups) you have worked on, now where do you need to add reinforcements? You now are seeing it can collapse and the WLS tool if not used properly/consistently can be defeated w/o the extra supporting structures...Like having only one wall of your basement in place before putting the house on top.. what happens? it can crumble w/ the weight of the house (your life/the worlds challenges), but if you have the 4 walls in place (food choices/planning/healthy and consistent choices, exercise, self awareness/monitoring, support); then the WLS tool can just reinforce that foundation and make the house stand strong for a long long time! Your tool will be back soon, but the tool to work on now may be the brain! For me it is anyways!
I have been taking some much VERY NEEDED time for myself and wellness. I have needed to take care of me and stop avoiding that as I have when I take care of everyone else! I am understanding and learning that loving ourselves is not selfish, that I need to feel loved inside so I have love to give others; if I continued not taking care of me and only having self hate and anger then that is all I would have to give others....We are all learning and growing, keep growing and learning with us here!
I have been using mediation, positive affirmations, reading, groups, individual work to work on my recovery, and accepting my imperfections!
Here are a few references for you if interested....
These are guidelines i am working on fitting into my life..not rules which are rigid, but guidelines which are flexible! I have 3X5 cards I take w/ me and place at different strategic spots such as fridge, computer to remind me!
(*To avoid emotional or unconscious eating)
1. Eat when you are hungry
2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment *NOT THE CAR!
3. Eat w/o distractions, including radio, TV, newspapers, books, magazines, intense anxiety producing conversations or music.
4. Eat only what your body wants.
5. Eat until satisfied.
6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto and pleasure.
© Geneen Roth
Daily Affirmations for Compulsive Eaters (Paperback)
by Susan Ward List Price: $7.95 ISBN: 1558740767 (*Avail on amazon and probably any bookstore!) I have used this yr after yr!
''It's Not about Food: Change Your Mind; Change Your Life; End Your Obsession with Food and Weight'' By: Carol Emery Normandi, Laurelee Roark $9.72 ISBN:
''Life Is Hard, Food Is Easy : The 5-Step Plan to Overcome Emotional Eating and Lose Weight on Any Diet'' By: Linda Spangle $9.72 ISBN: 0895260573
''Choices: Taking Control of Your Life and Making It Matter'' (Paperback)
by Melody Beattie $10.17 ISBN: 0060507225
''The Language of Letting Go'' (Hazelden Meditation Series) (Paperback)
by Melody Beattie "This is a book of meditations..." ISBN: 0894866370 $11.53
''Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself'' (Paperback) by Melody Beattie ISBN: 0894864025 $10.85
Donna Bird also has some great CDs
Breaking Free from the Victim Trap $9.95
An easy-to-read book on Healing Codependency by Diane Zimberoff, newly revised in 2004. (Softcover)
Consider CODA meetings *if this is an issues for you* for a meeting near you, of OA both can be great supports and are free for your recovery journey!
AND I am journaling almost daily my EMOTIONS...I guess my point is we al need a toolbox, and our success may be based on how many tools we have! Not any one thing works for recovery (the band, the RNY) therapy, support groups, meditation, journaling, exercise etc it is a combo of any one/all that assists and eases the journey I guess! Or at least that is HOW I SEE it! Be well.
YOU most certainly are not alone!!! Consider the definition below for addiction and how it may for you *looking at the price you were willing to pay for a number on the scale (erosion of band and possible severe complications such as perforation of stomach etc* Consider seeing the food addiction is getting a strong grip on you...,I know it is what I needed to read in black and white to help me make different choices...
One simple model for understanding addiction is to apply the three Cs:
·Behavior that is motivated by emotions ranging along the Craving to Compulsion spectrum
·Continued use in spite of adverse consequences
·Loss of Control.
Feel free to write me off list if you have any other ??! [email protected]
Take Care,
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Many times I find it challenging to discern between physical hunger and emotional.
Change and adjustment in eating can bring both about, and when intertwined this is indeed challenging to work through. "DIETS" always trigger deprivation for me and HUNGER increase in a physical and emotional way as I am not noticing and honoring either truly....
Practicing noticing w/o judgment and listening to my needs is what has truly been helpful to me when I am able to practice this. I have mistrusted/not listened to the internal cues to my needs (emotional and physical) for so long it is hard to do anything different. BUT I feel to honor my authentic self and be in harmony requires doing just the opposite of my instinct. I now embrace, accept and surrender to the elief that happiness and success will NEVER EVER come from an external source (person, object, diet, number on the scale). It can and will ONLY come from internal self-discovery and love. Listening to my BODY is key, my natural physical hunger, my body knows and will not let me down....and when emotions happen I pay attention to these powerful and wonderful clues to my internal world vs trying to push them away with another diet or restricting or overeating by permitting.
Exercise can increase physical hunger as well.
Sometimes patience is what I need in my process/journey! Be well.
Change and adjustment in eating can bring both about, and when intertwined this is indeed challenging to work through. "DIETS" always trigger deprivation for me and HUNGER increase in a physical and emotional way as I am not noticing and honoring either truly....
Practicing noticing w/o judgment and listening to my needs is what has truly been helpful to me when I am able to practice this. I have mistrusted/not listened to the internal cues to my needs (emotional and physical) for so long it is hard to do anything different. BUT I feel to honor my authentic self and be in harmony requires doing just the opposite of my instinct. I now embrace, accept and surrender to the elief that happiness and success will NEVER EVER come from an external source (person, object, diet, number on the scale). It can and will ONLY come from internal self-discovery and love. Listening to my BODY is key, my natural physical hunger, my body knows and will not let me down....and when emotions happen I pay attention to these powerful and wonderful clues to my internal world vs trying to push them away with another diet or restricting or overeating by permitting.
Exercise can increase physical hunger as well.
Sometimes patience is what I need in my process/journey! Be well.
Take Care,
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"