nervous...please help!
First off- I am in the Syracuse, NY area. My surgeon is Dr Howard Simon. I can't exactly remember how many surgeries he said he has done, but he definitely seems to know what he's talking about. I am more nervous than I have ever been in my life, and have even considered backing out. But the thing is, I KNOW I have to do this. Right now I am young and have minimal health problems, but as I age, I know that things will only go downhill from here. I've tried every diet one can ever imagine, and I've never been able to lose more than 30 lbs because after a month my hunger pains take over and I can't take it anymore! I am sure a lot of people have gone through that. Its like you try to reduce what you eat and I have fought it contantly but it always beats me. So I'm expecting this to help with the hunger a lot. I was wondering if any of you had any advice for me. If anyone could share their experiences with me. What to do, what not to do, their hospital experience esp. if you were at University Hosp. like I will be.
How long was your surgery? how long was the stay? how did you feel right after?
Oh and I know this may be TMI, but my fiance and I were talking last night, do you still poop the same because I know he had to reattach your intestines. I am expecting to not have to go as much what with drastically reducing the amount of food, but curious to how that works.
Anything anyone could share with me. I am the freak that was on here a while back saying I was scared of the anesthesia and not waking up. I always do that to myself. I have said to myself several times in my head "you are going to die" and I am getting myself worked up. I have to think positive by my anxiety is getting the best of me!
I know that for laproscopic RNY, the death rate is very low but of course I think about that, and think about complications.
One last thing- how long before u all went back to work? I am at a desk job so I am hoping to only be out a few weeks, as I love my job and don't wanna get out of the loop but I guess we'll see.
How long was your surgery? how long was the stay? how did you feel right after?
Oh and I know this may be TMI, but my fiance and I were talking last night, do you still poop the same because I know he had to reattach your intestines. I am expecting to not have to go as much what with drastically reducing the amount of food, but curious to how that works.
Anything anyone could share with me. I am the freak that was on here a while back saying I was scared of the anesthesia and not waking up. I always do that to myself. I have said to myself several times in my head "you are going to die" and I am getting myself worked up. I have to think positive by my anxiety is getting the best of me!
I know that for laproscopic RNY, the death rate is very low but of course I think about that, and think about complications.
One last thing- how long before u all went back to work? I am at a desk job so I am hoping to only be out a few weeks, as I love my job and don't wanna get out of the loop but I guess we'll see.
Good luck to you tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. Please, when you return give me the scoop. I will add you as a friend. Since we feel the same way maybe we can be good support buddies, especially since I've been fat all my life and this is going to be a huge change for me. I'm very nervous, but we have to think positive thoughts.
We'll be going through this basically at the same time so maybe we can form a little support system!
We'll be going through this basically at the same time so maybe we can form a little support system!
I saw you posted this you are not a freak- all of us are get scared before our surgery. I am the friend you added that also had the same surgeon. About the bowel thing everyone is a little different and where you are in your post op diet seems to matter a little also like during the fluids I didn't go very ofter only every few days. But when I started soft foods I started going almost every day. Before surgery I went every day but now sometimes I skip a day. You will get through this just keep in mind most of us who have been through this think it is the best decision we ever made to go through with it I am down 67# and 26 inches are gone off my body and my surgery was 10/16 - no regrets only that I had done it sooner. Hang in there- you'll get over this hurdle and be glad you did.
thanks so much. did you have the LAP RNY? Im wondering if you remember how long you were being operated on, how Dr Simon was, etc.
Also, when you woke up, was your family in there with you or no?? My fiance, his mom and my mom and dad are coming with me the day of the surgery.
I also wonder how many of these Dr Simon has performed. I heard quite a bit. He seems to know what he is doing........
Also, when you woke up, was your family in there with you or no?? My fiance, his mom and my mom and dad are coming with me the day of the surgery.
I also wonder how many of these Dr Simon has performed. I heard quite a bit. He seems to know what he is doing........
I want to say back when I went to the information session Dr Simon said he had preformed 1500 or so but that was the whole group? I know there track record for patients who had died was like 1 in 500 or something and he said at least 2 of the 3 were avoidable 1 was a pulmonary embolism I think one had a blockage in their intestines and waited too long to call and see the surgeon and I don't remember the other but syracuse in general Dr Simon group has a good track record. I have only positive things to say. My husband went with me my surgery was at 8:00 and the surgery took just under 2 hours and I got up to my room at about 11:30 I saw dr simon before my surgery that morning and he rounded once on me in the hospital but his residents were all good that rounded on me and the nurses were good at the hospital. Take chapstick with you if no one told you and I'm not sure how old you are but I got my period the day after my surgery. I have irregular periods and I was told to go prepared with stuff just in case. Just a warning. I am more comfortable in pajama bottoms so I took them to the hospital with me as well. My husband was in the room before me but had to wait while they took me off the stretcher and onto the bed. The other bit of advise I would give you is walk walk walk. go to messages on your inbox I will send you my email and phone number and you can call me if you'd like. Carrie
First of all, congrats on your upcoming surgery! Everyone has a case of nerves before it. I had my open rny 11/17. I was nervous when I was wheeled into the OR but looking back now it really went pretty smoothly and there was not much to worry about. Like you, I have never been able to lose more than 30# on any of the many diets I tried. In my first month I lost 30#! I do still have hunger at times but not for the same things and not like before. I will try to answer your ?'s. It is a bit hard around others who are eating my old favorites but sometimes I will have a bite of something and it just doesn't taste the same to me. My open surgery was 47 minutes long. I was told that lap is 2 hours. I stayed in the hospital from late monday afternoon until thursday morning. I could have gone home wed afternoon but I wanted one more day to be sure I could eat what I was supposed to. Some people who had surgery the same day went home wed. Once out of recovery, which I was in for 2 hours, I got off the cart and into my bed in the hospital room. I got up shortly thereafter to use the bathroom. I waited a while, a few hours, and got up and walked. I didn't want to walk, because I was tired from the pain meds, but made myself get up every hour or two for a short stroll around the floor, even during the night when I couldn't sleep. I was on pain meds, several kinds were available in shot, pump, liquid and pill form but I didn't like how they made me feel, too groggy! I didn't use my pain pump that often either. I think you can press it 9 or so times an hour and I think I did it once or twice per hour. I was also allowed ativan for nerves if needed but never took it. I was a bit nauseous the first night and it was hard to drink the 1oz cups of room temp water every 15 minutes. I did have a bit of foamies at first but once I realized to slow down the sips that went away. When my food came I didn't really want it and didn't like the taste of the soup, juice or jello. Others ate every last bit! There were 15 of us who had surgery the same week. The second day I did a blue popsicle, I had to eat at least 1/2 a popsicle, test to check for leaks, when that went well I was allowed the food, before that it was jus****er. My drains and IV's came out on wednesday afternoon. Once I could swallow a pill I didn't need the IV. Taking the drains out felt strange but it didn't hurt. Regarding the poop thing. It took 7 days to go after surgery for me. And it was a rough one when it happened. I took stool softners the first week or so. The first weeks were rough for me in that area but once I was on more regular foods it has gotten a bit better. Sometimes its every other day but most it's once a day. I think everyone worries about dying during or after the surgery but the nurse at our office said they had never lost a patient on the table. That made me feel better. I do not work outside the home, I'm a stay at home mom. I was back to doing things as soon as I got home. I went grocery shopping the next day, my husband drove but I went in and got everything. By the second week I was driving my kids to school and taking care of them alone while my husband went to work. I was off my pain meds within a few days of going home. I know some people didn't even take them when they got home at all. My incision was a bit irritated with clothes/bra on it but I was not in any pain. I think the more active you are after surgery the better you feel. Its really important to drink the water after surgery, it will lessen any nausea and walk as much as you can even if you don't want to. Sleeping in bed was uncomfortable when I got home so I slept with pillows on the couch. It was easier to sleep on my right side for a while. I wish you the best in the upcoming weeks! Hope this helps.
Thanks for your words. I just keep thinking terrible things. I know that those things are few and far between but I just am sooooo worried and anxious. The thing that makes me the most nervous is the surgery itself. I can deal with pain, etc and everything that happens afterwards if it's going to make me lose the weight I have been waiting my entire life to get rid of and it never seems to come off!
30 lbs in a month? I can't wait lol. I am aboutn 250 lbs right now, they are setting a goal for me of 135. That number to me is AMAZING. I haven't been that weight since grade school and to think that it may happen for me is what pushes me to go through with it. I know if I do not do it, I'm gong to end up with a ton of problems down the road. Right now Im only 28 so Im pretty healthy, my heart is ok, no diabetes yet, etc but I do have high cholesteral and a few other things.
Well thanks for everything. The stories I continue to hear from everyone makes me realize that I am not alone in my thoughts
30 lbs in a month? I can't wait lol. I am aboutn 250 lbs right now, they are setting a goal for me of 135. That number to me is AMAZING. I haven't been that weight since grade school and to think that it may happen for me is what pushes me to go through with it. I know if I do not do it, I'm gong to end up with a ton of problems down the road. Right now Im only 28 so Im pretty healthy, my heart is ok, no diabetes yet, etc but I do have high cholesteral and a few other things.
Well thanks for everything. The stories I continue to hear from everyone makes me realize that I am not alone in my thoughts
You are not a freak! I was totally the same way. I had my open RNY on 12/29/08. As I was waiting to be prepped for surgery I almost got up and left! But to my surprise they came to get me 2 hours early. I had my surgery at a little after noon and I wasn't scheduled until 2:30. I was worried about being knocked out and then waking up with a tube in my throat. I made the doctor pinky swear that he wouldn't let me wake up with it in! True to his word (and pinky swear) I woke up with no tube in my throat!
I am one week out and doing well. The first 2 days were the hardest for me. But as each day went by I felt stronger. I really didn't use the pain med's when I got home I took one the first night before bed and that was it.
It was 6 days before I had a bm and it wasn't too bad. The gas is crazy and non stop it seems. That too is lessening.
I am planning on going back to work next Monday, which would be two weeks after surgery. I will know for sure after my post op visit.
You will have nerves, but it is to be expected. But it is the best thing we can do for ourselves. I am excited about this journey.
I hope this helped! Good luck and best wishes! You will be fine!
I am one week out and doing well. The first 2 days were the hardest for me. But as each day went by I felt stronger. I really didn't use the pain med's when I got home I took one the first night before bed and that was it.
It was 6 days before I had a bm and it wasn't too bad. The gas is crazy and non stop it seems. That too is lessening.
I am planning on going back to work next Monday, which would be two weeks after surgery. I will know for sure after my post op visit.
You will have nerves, but it is to be expected. But it is the best thing we can do for ourselves. I am excited about this journey.
I hope this helped! Good luck and best wishes! You will be fine!
Hi! I read your post and can so relate to your nervousness! That was me in late August (2008). I had my surgery (open) at Upstate and had a different surgeon than Dr. Simon however, Dr. Simon is now my doctor and I liked him very much. He was personable and answered all my questions. I was operated on on a Wed. and came home Sat. morning. (I opted to stay an extra night but I could've gone home on fri. My stay was not bad at all and my pain was really not bad at all - I think if you have it done laproscopically your pain may even be less than with the open. Dr. Simon seems to be a very capable surgeon and he has been (I believe) a trauman surgeon for a # of years prior to his bariatric career so I am sure he has alot of experience behind him.)
I had to lose over 200 lbs and I was not a spring chicken so I felt this was the only way for me to go at this point in my life. I am very glad I did it. I am down about 86 lbs. now and finally am seeing and feeling better. You will, too. Remember, too, after your surgery, eventually, your appetite will come back to you. It may come in dribs and drabs but it will come back. To me, the challenge of this surgery is to continue to follow the food regime that you have done after your surgery. I don't mean you can't eat or sample foods but moderation in all is a good rule to go by. Drinking your fluids will be especially important to you. Also, a suggestion. Get yourself a timer (a kitchen one is fine-at Walmart or whereever) Set it for 5 minutes. After each bite or swallow of liquid. Re set it. Wait the 5 minutes between bites. As you get to feeling better it gets harder to wait for 5 minutes but believe me, I've eaten too fast and suffered because of it. (maybe not for long, mind you, but enough to remind me to SLOW IT DOWN!!) As far as poop well I think most of us could write a book on that one. Everyone's system is different. I had problems with constipation about 2-3 weeks out. I went almost 8 days without a BM. I was sure I had a blockage. I didn't. My system just took its own sweet time. Yours will too. Another bit of advice: If and when you have your surgery and I am assuming it's with Syracuse's practice? Get the Nurse Practicioner's email address and also that of the nutritionist. I am sure they will be glad to provide it. Then, when you are home and have questions or concerns, email them. They are wonderful about responding. I know as I bugged them enough afterwords. (Just something for you to think on) - I hope this helps you out. I am routing for you and wish you the best of luck. Hang in there. You sound like you have already made up your mind, so like Nike ads, JUST DO IT!! (At least I think it was Nike LOL!) Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. The group with Dr. Simon is a good group and again, though Upstate gets a bad rap alot of the time, my nurses and dietary staff were all wonderful! I think they should all get paid alot more for what they do. Mary (Molly P.)
I had to lose over 200 lbs and I was not a spring chicken so I felt this was the only way for me to go at this point in my life. I am very glad I did it. I am down about 86 lbs. now and finally am seeing and feeling better. You will, too. Remember, too, after your surgery, eventually, your appetite will come back to you. It may come in dribs and drabs but it will come back. To me, the challenge of this surgery is to continue to follow the food regime that you have done after your surgery. I don't mean you can't eat or sample foods but moderation in all is a good rule to go by. Drinking your fluids will be especially important to you. Also, a suggestion. Get yourself a timer (a kitchen one is fine-at Walmart or whereever) Set it for 5 minutes. After each bite or swallow of liquid. Re set it. Wait the 5 minutes between bites. As you get to feeling better it gets harder to wait for 5 minutes but believe me, I've eaten too fast and suffered because of it. (maybe not for long, mind you, but enough to remind me to SLOW IT DOWN!!) As far as poop well I think most of us could write a book on that one. Everyone's system is different. I had problems with constipation about 2-3 weeks out. I went almost 8 days without a BM. I was sure I had a blockage. I didn't. My system just took its own sweet time. Yours will too. Another bit of advice: If and when you have your surgery and I am assuming it's with Syracuse's practice? Get the Nurse Practicioner's email address and also that of the nutritionist. I am sure they will be glad to provide it. Then, when you are home and have questions or concerns, email them. They are wonderful about responding. I know as I bugged them enough afterwords. (Just something for you to think on) - I hope this helps you out. I am routing for you and wish you the best of luck. Hang in there. You sound like you have already made up your mind, so like Nike ads, JUST DO IT!! (At least I think it was Nike LOL!) Feel free to email me if you have any other questions. The group with Dr. Simon is a good group and again, though Upstate gets a bad rap alot of the time, my nurses and dietary staff were all wonderful! I think they should all get paid alot more for what they do. Mary (Molly P.)