Havent lost anything in over a month, almost 2
Now I had my surgery 4/8/08...and am down to 189 and have not gotten any lower in almost 2 months. This is the worse stall I have had yet. What is wrong, and what can I do to jump start the weight loss again. I cannot eat anything high in fat or sugar at all without severe pain, so its not that. I really do not think I have stretched my pouch, I certainly do not over eat. I know I do not get in enough water in the day, could it be that??? Help...this is so frustrating!!!
Happy New Year!
Also does anyone know when the next support group is in Saratoga or Glens Falls???
From what I've read since being a member here...
Are you drinking enough water?
Taking calcium?
How often are you exercising?
How are you doing on protein?
Maybe try the 5 or is it the 3 day pouch test?
Again, I'm no expert but I hope these might help shed some light. Good luck!
It's only about a week away...can you believe it?!?!
I wasn't told to go on the liquid diet because I'm having the surgery done Open. My surgeon's office stopped doing Laproscopic for awhile.
I plan on trying to eat nothing but protein shakes, sugar-free jello and broth? at least a couple to a few days this week just so I can get myself used to the post-op diet.
My surgery is at 12:30...I wi**** was earlier in the morning!
my surgery is at 745 am.. i am glad its early so i can get up and still be half asleep going into the surgery..
good luck and keep me posted!!
Good Luck!
Happy New Year Kristy!
The new pics are great you look fanbulous! Does it seem like nearly a year ago Jan. 4th to be exact that we met in the waiting room at the dr.'s? Look how far we have come and how much we have both lost - WOW most imprtant our health has improved so much and we can move around easier the list is endless. Do NOT be discouraged by the stall - be sure you are drinking enough water, and eating enough calories - mainly the protein (yeah yeah I know) and few carbs. Are you drinking water? The holidays were not bad honestly I ate some things I normally do not but was able to limit myself without going overboard. I do not think anything is wrong it is a stall - I have not lost anything is a couple weeks - BUT know that my clothes are fitting better and I dropped another size in pants, I feel great and look good and do not rely on the scale. I was only weighing myself weekly until last week - now I weigh daily on the Wii Fit - it is alot of fun and have to establish a good routine. Would you maybe want to go walking at the civic center sometime? I know you are busy busy as we all are lol. Do not get discouraged if you are doing the right things this stall shall pass! Keep up the great work!
Support group is tonight in Saratoga but I cannot make it - and Glens Falls is next month first Wed.- 02/04/08. That I would like to go to.
The pics are great!!!!
Talk soon...
Hey group was last night in Saratoga, I had Gina cover me as I was out ill, no sleep night before. We run 1st monday of each month in 2009!
A few thoughts to ponder...yes sometimes I say things folks would not rather hear but the truth as life can be hard.....I find when I accept, surrender to and embrace life good and bad I am living the best life for me.....(of course I do not always do this and have plenty of room for personal growth here!)
The honeymoon for most is 6 months....what you are experiencing is typical, not a thing is wrong...
For many realizing this helps tremendously in changing their mindset and reframing...lessening worry and anxiety and fear...Ask yourself have I CHANGED MY LIFE & MIND to be successful long-term, or am I still in diet mentality?
Diets focus on deprivation, they focus on what we can not have, they focus on our weaknesses not our strengths, they focus on weight only and the more we worry about wt the more we can compulsively sabotage this effort, diets fail to address (and WLS does also) any underlying emotional eating issues, attitudes or lifestyle patterns that can effect total change and success longterm...diets create stress, stress creats wt loss lowing and compulsive eating, snacking, grazing eating when not physically hungry etc.
WLS gives us a tool to do all the above...the hard work begins not preop, not to get thru the surgery, not the gruelling 2 wk liquids not the first 6 mo but the rest of our lives!
I believe in honesty and realistic expectations..and I realize we all have a bit of magical thinking when it comes to WLS and a bit of terminal uniqueness (such as I will be the one to lose all my wt and get to a normal BMI) this infact is not the case for most who lose 50-75% excess wt and maintiain it 5, 10, 15 yrs out....YOU MAY BE AT GOAL and not know it (or be willing to see or accept that which is ok, it is your process) or you may lose some more, either way I feel being happy where we are at any moment is the key to any personal growth or change! It gives us more energy to do this vs using all the energy diskiling where we are at and rebelling...
For many this may be the wt they stay at within a few pounds when they reach 6 months....when they accept and go with it sometimes thw wt goes lower due to this vs the constant battle..others lose very slowly after 6 mo a few pounds here and there I feel the foucs is on maintenance at 6 mo, that is what folks shoudl focus on to stay the same and lose more because it is a focus on all we can control the lifestyle!
I find when I focus on what I have gained I am more positive and so are my results..afterall what do we do when we lose something? Consiously or unconciously we look to find it!
I feel that Plateaus are a blessing if we chose to view it that way or an opportunity to practice the lessons we are learning about a healthy lifestyle and CONTINUE OUR HEALTHY ROUTINE AND NOT GET DISCOURAGED/DEPRESSED..or a time to reflect on where we could treak things (EXAMPLE am I exercising most days of the week an hour or do I need to focus on this? AM I drinking 64 oz water a day?, am I getting in 65 grams + protein a day? Am I avoiding the simple carbs/refined whites lik rice, pasta, bread, chips, crackers, potatoes etc...(now I am sounding like a diet here but in fact these foods dont help the pouch work and usually increase our physical cravings and also so a balance is usually needed to be found) , Am I avoiding drinking calories?, Am I avoiding caffeine?, carbonation? and avoiding drinking with meals?, am I managing my emotions effectively?, am I acting in a consistent responsible and self accountable way? Am I gettign in all my vits (multivit, calcium citrate, B12 sublingual and others as advised by my bariatric MD and labs?
This is my powerpoint slide on the above:
The first year after gastric bypass is usually very rewarding, but this time can also be confusing, frustrating and frightening.
The function of the stomach pouch "tool" changes almost continuously over the first six months, and continues to change periodically over the year or so.
Just when the patient feels they have begun to understand the stomach pouch/tool and how to use it, things change all over again.
The first postoperative year is a critical time that must be dedicated to changing old behavior and forming new, lifelong habits.
6-9 months after RNY surgery
Frightening CHANGES takes place.
The stomach pouch softens and expands slightly so that a patient regains a regular appetite and can "suddenly" tolerate a significantly larger amount of food.
Patients frequently worry that something has pulled apart or broken on the inside, though this is rarely the case.
This increased interest in food and increased capacity for food is a very natural and appropriate part of the recovery process after gastric bypass surgery.
The reason it frightens patients so much is that they had previously felt they had control of their weight for the first time in their lives, and the renewed appetite threatens that they are losing control once again.
You must realize that for the first 6 months or so after gastric bypass you did NOT have control of your weight................
The pounds were going to come off almost no matter what you did........
The pouch can't handle enough calories to maintain weight for the first few months.
The return of appetite and the increase in food capacity signal an end to the honeymoon period and a transition to the rest of life.
Your surgeon has created a stomach pouch that will be your tool to use to control your weight for life. In the beginning it worked 90% now you have to work 90%!------------------------------
5 Behaviors of Successful Maintainers
1 Give UP Dieting FOREVER, instead practice a healthy way of eating based on bodies nutritional needs.
2 Stop being a couch potato:
EXERCISE: Regular/intentional
In person
4 HONESTY: Look at self-sabotaging behaviors/attitudes & develop positive ones to support their wt loss.
5 STOP reacting to STRESS
Realize they turn to food to cope with stress
Practice proactive stress management
Problem solving
Relaxation techniques
As you progress on your WLS journey toward your ultimate goals of health and weight maintenance you will encounter both internal and external challenges.
How you deal with these challenges depends mostly on your attitude.
Your attitude depends mostly on your choices, because attitude itself is a choice!
You must learn to effectively cope, self-soothe, problem solve & process feelings without food to be a longterm success.

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"