YAY! IHA paid for my consultation already!
I'm still kinda surprised at that considering I had my surgical consult with Dr. Caruana on Nov 20th.
PLEASE let the surgery approval come about just as smoothly AND quickly! Is it too much to ask for someone to have a cancellation so I can have my surgery sooner?!
I can't exactly sit on Santa's lap right now to ask in fear I might break something...LOL!
PLEASE let the surgery approval come about just as smoothly AND quickly! Is it too much to ask for someone to have a cancellation so I can have my surgery sooner?!
I can't exactly sit on Santa's lap right now to ask in fear I might break something...LOL!
Once the approval goes thru and you get "the call" the time will fly by! I didn't think I would make it thru the waiting but you are thru the worst of that now. You're almost there! If they paid for the consult that quickly, then they probably will approve you rather quickly too! (you know they did for me) I hope so for you too!
OH! I am so excited for you!!
Keep me posted, and if you need anything, let me know!
OH! I am so excited for you!!

Keep me posted, and if you need anything, let me know!
Thanks Mary - you're a sweetheart! 
At my consultation I was told they were scheduling surgeries for FEB but since they I'm remaining unemployed until I have the surgery and I'm paying $$$ for Cobra (which is now in effect), I was told I would be on the ASAP list. That's why I'm hoping for an Xmas miracle - if you know what I mean...

At my consultation I was told they were scheduling surgeries for FEB but since they I'm remaining unemployed until I have the surgery and I'm paying $$$ for Cobra (which is now in effect), I was told I would be on the ASAP list. That's why I'm hoping for an Xmas miracle - if you know what I mean...
I had my consultation with Dr. Caruana on 11/13. Independent Health called me on 12/2 to tell me that I was approved, and Deanne from Dr. Caruana's office called this morning to schedule my surgery!! I'm all set for 1/6! I can't believe it- 1 month away! I hope you get called SOON, too! IHA seems to be quick, and the approval was certainly easy compared to the horror stories that I've read about on here from other companies.