SO dr took me out of work for depression/anxiety
So Once again I am out of work...It may suck in one way BUT yhansk the lord cause those girls at work ahve been so very fiscoius to me. The work jealously keeps coming up in thearpy and I am not really sure that is the issue. I guess they think i have changed and I have for the better. i keep to myself try to stay out of all the drama whcih goes on in every work place. I go in say good morning and then put my ipod on and do my 7 hrs ...I may take a break here and there with some certian people BUT for the most part mu co worker feel like I am not part of the unit cause i am not listen to the crap....When I do get envolved it is always turned around and i am at fault. i am to the point know that my boss had been calling in all y good friends and somewhat theating there promotion/probaation in talking yo me. I have been so sick over all of this that I have lost more weight which is not needed per dietition.....I am on new meds and they need time to work again. I am so realived to just know I do not have to go to work for awhile!!!!! I have always been the one that cleand up everyone elses messes let them clean up mine for awhile!!! I am praying now and I am doing the gym for myself and keeping my option open fpr new jobs SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If anyone knows of a job that requires a associate degree with alot of back ground in social work i am your girl LOL. Thanks to all that reply XXOO Bridgit
Bridgit Montgomery
Gastric Bipass 2/11/08
DR. Singh
Gastric Bipass 2/11/08
DR. Singh
(deactivated member)
on 11/23/08 6:57 am - MT
on 11/23/08 6:57 am - MT
I just wanted to stop in and wish you all the best on finding a new job! One that will be right for you and not having to deal with all of that BS! Hang in there an enjoy your time off!


I will keep my head up!!!! I know that I have the strength to get thru anything!!
!!!!!!! I will enjoy my time off I am taking it one day at a time....I need this time to get my head on straight and find out where i stand in this new life i have chose...I KNOW that I have a vry supportive family who loves me unconditionally.. i also have freinds that will do whatever it takes to help me too. It is just hard to be in this state of mind...I am jining a gym and I plan on taking all frusrations uit on the machines
! I really appreciate all the replies i get on here. It is hard to really find out who r your real friends. The jeLOUS THIS JUST DRIVES MENUTS. yes i LOOK AMAZING but WHO CARES I didn't do this for that I wanted to be healthy!!!! And NOW that I am healthy these so called friends are not happy with the new me. I am withdrawn.....quite and sometimes maybe even intervert...BUT the BS that goes on at my job is so hard to deal with that I was sick everyday just punching into work!!! I will enjoy the holidays knowing I will deal with none of them....YES there is some I wil miss BUT I refuse to even call them...I feel like if they want to know how I am they will call me. Love all of you n here

Bridgit Montgomery
Gastric Bipass 2/11/08
DR. Singh
Gastric Bipass 2/11/08
DR. Singh
Hello sorry tohear of the contin ued struggls.
For many meds are helpful but without weeekly therapy you may be spinning your wheels, meds can take 3 months to workIF the right one is chosen and that is about a 30% chance with first trial.
Many of the things that lead to depression and anxiety IMHO can not be touched by meds alone. I hope you are in intensive weekly therapy with someone working on your issues that are underlying this disease. Wt loss uncovers alot more than many realize, the fat kept burried emotions and things but when gone we are wide open with out a way to cope.
The work issues can not even be addressed during a major depressive episode, people can not think straight let alone concentrate or have the emotional stability to do what they need to do to get out of bed some days. The emotional reactivity anger, sadness etc is a symptom of depression and anxiety.
I wish yu well, I hope like I said you are seeing a SW or psychologist or NP to do therapy as well seeing a psychiatric prescriber (MD or NP/PA) a general medical PCP typically does not have expertise at this point with what yu describe. Again meds help dont get me wrong but they are only a part!
Hello sorry tohear of the contin ued struggls.
For many meds are helpful but without weeekly therapy you may be spinning your wheels, meds can take 3 months to workIF the right one is chosen and that is about a 30% chance with first trial.
Many of the things that lead to depression and anxiety IMHO can not be touched by meds alone. I hope you are in intensive weekly therapy with someone working on your issues that are underlying this disease. Wt loss uncovers alot more than many realize, the fat kept burried emotions and things but when gone we are wide open with out a way to cope.
The work issues can not even be addressed during a major depressive episode, people can not think straight let alone concentrate or have the emotional stability to do what they need to do to get out of bed some days. The emotional reactivity anger, sadness etc is a symptom of depression and anxiety.
I wish yu well, I hope like I said you are seeing a SW or psychologist or NP to do therapy as well seeing a psychiatric prescriber (MD or NP/PA) a general medical PCP typically does not have expertise at this point with what yu describe. Again meds help dont get me wrong but they are only a part!
Take Care, 
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
Thanks again for input they are not having mr go every week for thearpy i see her every few weeks....I know that I am someonethat needs to find it in herself to get better...I take to much stuff inside myself and never let it go. I am a good persona and I let way too many things bother me thaqt are other people issues. I will not eg nyone to be my friend.....I always put myself out there for everyone to see and that is a problem!!! I know that part of my issues are to do with work and I have to let all thet **** go. I am one of the best workers they have inMedicaid up their and they know that....I need this time off to reflect on what is good for me.. Maybe I need to find a new job with a new start my life is going into so may different directions that mayb i am my own worst enemy>> Who know...Thanks to all and have a great Thanksgiving!!!
Bridgit Montgomery
Gastric Bipass 2/11/08
DR. Singh
Gastric Bipass 2/11/08
DR. Singh