Hit by a Mac Truck!
on 11/10/08 7:48 pm - MT

OK well this morning I wanted to get my weight for sure so I can start to track it some what as I try to get myself back on track and OMG I got a BIG shock......WHAT 199 lbs!!!

I gained that 9 lbs in this last month with all the candy that was around! OK now I just need to be held accountable and move forward! But I just felt like crying this morning....WHY am I doing this to something that I worked SOOO hard to get and work! I guess it is time to do more meditation and find out what is going on!
Sorry I did not mean to be a downer but wanted to be held accountable for this and move forward! I even put the pic in my profile to SHOW myself what I did!
Well thanks for listening all


Debra get back up , clean yourself off and start today as a brand new day.....get out to the store and stock up on all the good stuff that you can eat......go through the frig and pantry and get rid of the crap that started accumulating as you felt more comfortable.....thats what i did....stay focused.....i watched how wellyou have done before and what an inspiration you were to me early out.....we have the tools and more knowledge now then ever.....
If there is something emotional happening get some help....therapy is so helpful.....we cannot do this alone. I have kept my therapist through this whole journey, using her more when i needed and less when i didnt need it as much. Stay here and maybe we can figure out a time to have our evening chats int he room like we used to aswell...i have to see which night works best for everyone and we can do that again too... We all are in this together. Its a life long journey and we are going to slip of now and then...we are human.....it is how we recover that determines our success......
on 11/11/08 7:30 am - MT

The chat would be great also, every little bit helps.......
Thanks again hun

You can do this!
Seems like you got your wake up call :) - NOW PICK YOURSELF UP AND MOVE ON!
Nothing - tastes as good as it feels -to be at my ideal weight :)
Lap RNY 11-6-06 at goal 10-6-07 - Attacking my regain 2013
Mommy to 3 princesses ~ Wife to Paul
I'm a "before and after" in OH magazine (January / February 2008)
on 11/11/08 7:32 am - MT
Yeah the STICK to it is what I have problems with but I WILL learn!

Thanks again hun!

You know what to do. Please, please don't be angry at yourself. Use that energy to answer the questions and give yourself what you need.
Here for you babe,
301/170/goal 160? Abdominoplasty on 8/21/07 with Dr. Jerome Chao, Albany Medical Center
on 11/11/08 7:35 am - MT
Thanks for the reminders, sometimes we get lost for sure! It broke my heart this morning seeing that number on the scale but I only have myself to blame and like you said I will not berate myself and just get going from here. I have work to be done, been there before and I can do it again!
Thanks for the support hun, sometimes you just need the OH family to help you through!!!!
