Suggestions-Please help!
My surgery date is Nov 12- and I am nervous and excited and scared-
I would love for you all to give me some imput as well as support-
I am looking for any suggestions- Please help
This may seem minor to you all but believe me this isnt minor to me---
I have a few concerns-
My Fibromyalgia and Cfs- is pretty severe and surgery has flared it up in the past-
Has anyone had this problem? I am afriad that this will take me much longer to heal-
My Back is a concern- I have chronic back pain-
Anyone else have this problem- ?? DId it help or hinder your back problems?
My Constipation-sorry -but this is chronic-
Anyone else have this problem before surgery? DId it make it better or worse after surgery?
My diet- any suggestions for a liquid diet or some other type of diet right before surgery?
PLEASE HELP!!! ANY SUGGESTIONS---PLease tell me what helped you in this process-
I was wondering what I can do to help these problems before surgery--
I am praying for a safe/healthy recovery-
Thanks for your help in advance-
I would love for you all to give me some imput as well as support-
I am looking for any suggestions- Please help
This may seem minor to you all but believe me this isnt minor to me---
I have a few concerns-
My Fibromyalgia and Cfs- is pretty severe and surgery has flared it up in the past-
Has anyone had this problem? I am afriad that this will take me much longer to heal-
My Back is a concern- I have chronic back pain-
Anyone else have this problem- ?? DId it help or hinder your back problems?
My Constipation-sorry -but this is chronic-
Anyone else have this problem before surgery? DId it make it better or worse after surgery?
My diet- any suggestions for a liquid diet or some other type of diet right before surgery?
PLEASE HELP!!! ANY SUGGESTIONS---PLease tell me what helped you in this process-
I was wondering what I can do to help these problems before surgery--
I am praying for a safe/healthy recovery-
Thanks for your help in advance-
Okay. First, take a deep breath ...
Of course, you're scared and nervous -- this is a life-changing thing you are doing. But it will change your life for the GOOD!
I also have Fibromyalgia. I can tell you that for me, my pain has decreased considerably. Not gone -- but much better. I went to see a rheumatologist a few months after my surgery, and he said it will probably continue to improve, as our whole body chemistry is changing as we lose all this excess weight.
I have had back problems on and off through the years. It is bothering me some now, but I think it's because I am using it in ways I have not in the past. I am taking yoga (which I love), and I expect that my back pain will diminish in time as my back muscles will strengthen.
Constipation -- can't help you there. But I know some others had it before and had it after. The stool softeners seem to help a lot, as does increasing fiber when you are farther out from surgery and your diet allows for it.
As for your diet, follow your surgeon's guidelines for what to do pre-surgically.
Who is your doctor, by the way?
You will do fine. Breathe. Maybe buy yourself a relaxation tape or CD. You'll be surprised how much they can quiet a worried mind!
Take care --
Of course, you're scared and nervous -- this is a life-changing thing you are doing. But it will change your life for the GOOD!
I also have Fibromyalgia. I can tell you that for me, my pain has decreased considerably. Not gone -- but much better. I went to see a rheumatologist a few months after my surgery, and he said it will probably continue to improve, as our whole body chemistry is changing as we lose all this excess weight.
I have had back problems on and off through the years. It is bothering me some now, but I think it's because I am using it in ways I have not in the past. I am taking yoga (which I love), and I expect that my back pain will diminish in time as my back muscles will strengthen.
Constipation -- can't help you there. But I know some others had it before and had it after. The stool softeners seem to help a lot, as does increasing fiber when you are farther out from surgery and your diet allows for it.
As for your diet, follow your surgeon's guidelines for what to do pre-surgically.
Who is your doctor, by the way?
You will do fine. Breathe. Maybe buy yourself a relaxation tape or CD. You'll be surprised how much they can quiet a worried mind!
Take care --

You look really Good How are you feeling these days?
Thanks for the encourgement
I drank that phopate soduem to help me got to the bathroom for surgery and I havent had any movement yet- I called teh DR and he says dont worry I will go-
I hope so since my surgery is in the morning-
Dr.Posner at BGH is my Dr.
Who did you have and what hospital?
Thanks for your support-