I am really really loosing patence
Hi,, first of all I'd like to say how sorry I am for what you are going through. I feel your pain as I went through a similar situation. It took me over a year from first visit with the surgeon. Because my asthma was so bad, my pulmonary guy wouldn't give me clearance. I also had to have 2 separate sleep studies. By the time I got the clearence from the pulmonary dr, my surgeon has switched hospitals and no longer accepted my insurance. So now I was faced with finding a new surgeon after all of my other appointments. I finally went with Dr. Adaniel but he needed another test from the cardiologist that the other surgeon didn't require, so again I had to wait for a date until that was done. So from the first meeting with the first surgeon which was in Sept 2003, I finally had my surgery Nov. 2004.
It was very frustrating but in the end very well worth the wait. Good luck to you and God Bless you!
It was very frustrating but in the end very well worth the wait. Good luck to you and God Bless you!

~ God Bless ~
~Angel ~
255 highest/222 day of surg/126 at Goal!!
Hello there ,
From my first seminar to the operation was about a year . It would've been six months had it not been for the insurance wanting me to get monthly weigh in visits with my primary . What a waste of time but I l looked at it as a game of sorts .
Also the psych and nutritional meetings took time setting up.
My surgeon was excellent , Dr. Davis who is affiliated with Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and Valley Hospital in Jersey.
You might want to check on another surgeon or hospital if you are not happy with them.
From my first seminar to the operation was about a year . It would've been six months had it not been for the insurance wanting me to get monthly weigh in visits with my primary . What a waste of time but I l looked at it as a game of sorts .
Also the psych and nutritional meetings took time setting up.
My surgeon was excellent , Dr. Davis who is affiliated with Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and Valley Hospital in Jersey.
You might want to check on another surgeon or hospital if you are not happy with them.
I saw my Dr for the initial consultation in early June, by August 20, I had a surgery date set for Sept 11. I had diabetes, sleep apnea and high blood pressure at age 32...A year later my diabetes gone, my sleep apnea gone, and I have a 33 inch waist and weigh 188 lbs.
The most annoying part was the sleep study, that took the longest, about 1 month to schedule it, and then another 3 weeks to get the results. I made the mistake of doing the sleep study for sleep apnea at the Hospital-NSLIJ. After the study and it was determined I had sleep apnea, my surgeon's office told me I had to do it again and get fitted for a mask =/, I thought omg another 2 months of waiting.... So I got my results and made an appointment with a local pulmonologlist, and he scheduled me right away for the second sleep test at his local facility - was a nice high quality facility as well... and most importantly I had the appointment and results results in about a week. They also help me get my CPAP machine the following week and Oxford approved me for surgery within 2 weeks after getting the machine.
The rest of the **** like the letter from your PCP, nutrition consult, psych evaluation you should really be able to do in less than 2 weeks. Your surgeon's office should have given you the names and numbers of doctors in your area that they work with. You have to make a considerate effort to get the things done, if you sit around and wait it will never get done. I made it a point to take off work and get **** done right away at the earliest appointment. For example I called the Psych on a Thursday, and made a Saturday appointment, i couldve waited for an appointment to come around the in two weeks but I took the earlierst one... make yourself available for the very earliest appointment!!!
So, If you are on Long Island and your insurance accepts...go check out the South Shore Pulmonary Medicine in Baldwin, I got my test and results done and my Mask/Cpap machine in less than a week, compared to NSLIJ which took almost 2 months.
So I would suggest seeing different surgeon/people if they are rude, and do not follow up on your requests.
The most annoying part was the sleep study, that took the longest, about 1 month to schedule it, and then another 3 weeks to get the results. I made the mistake of doing the sleep study for sleep apnea at the Hospital-NSLIJ. After the study and it was determined I had sleep apnea, my surgeon's office told me I had to do it again and get fitted for a mask =/, I thought omg another 2 months of waiting.... So I got my results and made an appointment with a local pulmonologlist, and he scheduled me right away for the second sleep test at his local facility - was a nice high quality facility as well... and most importantly I had the appointment and results results in about a week. They also help me get my CPAP machine the following week and Oxford approved me for surgery within 2 weeks after getting the machine.
The rest of the **** like the letter from your PCP, nutrition consult, psych evaluation you should really be able to do in less than 2 weeks. Your surgeon's office should have given you the names and numbers of doctors in your area that they work with. You have to make a considerate effort to get the things done, if you sit around and wait it will never get done. I made it a point to take off work and get **** done right away at the earliest appointment. For example I called the Psych on a Thursday, and made a Saturday appointment, i couldve waited for an appointment to come around the in two weeks but I took the earlierst one... make yourself available for the very earliest appointment!!!
So, If you are on Long Island and your insurance accepts...go check out the South Shore Pulmonary Medicine in Baldwin, I got my test and results done and my Mask/Cpap machine in less than a week, compared to NSLIJ which took almost 2 months.
So I would suggest seeing different surgeon/people if they are rude, and do not follow up on your requests.
9/11/07 RNY Syosset Hospital
9/10/07 278lbs 46 inch waist presurgery
11/1/08 188 lbs 33 inch waist post surgery
I totally understand what you are going through. I am going through something similar with my doctor's office. I am a working 9am-5pm single mother of a 3 year old boy i am 243pds and have sleep apnea, high blood pressure, cholesterol, spondylithesis with disc protrusion that currently causes pain in my lower back and left leg. I have all completed but one requirement left which the doc told me on my last office visit (Aetna requirement) to join a gym and get a personal trainer. I don't have gym membership money let alone personal trainer money. So i have to incur more out of pocket expenses that i don't have and visit the gym three times. My orthopedic doc says i shouldn't do much of anything right now because i am in danger of causing myself permanent nerve damage...long story. I faxed over the MRI results for the spondy etc...but they don't sound like they have my paperwork together and don't want to submit to the insurance company without that gym membership blah blah blah.
Not to mention i am exhausted all day long and the CPAP machine i have tried wearing for over a month now and just cannot get used to it. I am so tired and fustrated with all of this. One constant motivation is my 3 year old son who needs me to be around for him for as long as i can.
My 3 monthly weigh-in have be extremely dissapointing with no weight-loss and actual weight gain. My job is sedentary and maybe i should have just starved myself so that some pounds could have come off and the docs would have taken me seriously. I don't know what to do now, but eat like a rabbit and find a public indoor pool, maybe get someone to write a letter for me? We will see if a perfect stranger at the local rec center will type this for me!
Not to mention i am exhausted all day long and the CPAP machine i have tried wearing for over a month now and just cannot get used to it. I am so tired and fustrated with all of this. One constant motivation is my 3 year old son who needs me to be around for him for as long as i can.
My 3 monthly weigh-in have be extremely dissapointing with no weight-loss and actual weight gain. My job is sedentary and maybe i should have just starved myself so that some pounds could have come off and the docs would have taken me seriously. I don't know what to do now, but eat like a rabbit and find a public indoor pool, maybe get someone to write a letter for me? We will see if a perfect stranger at the local rec center will type this for me!
I have an officemate who had to wait 10 months before she got hers done. She was like 450 lbs, and had a weak heart, thats about it, no other comorbdities or medical problems. I guess the ones that can do it in a short amount of time are lucky.
9/11/07 RNY Syosset Hospital
9/10/07 278lbs 46 inch waist presurgery
11/1/08 188 lbs 33 inch waist post surgery
I really dont understand why it should be such a battle for these like billion dollar companies to help people out when it will end up costing them less in the long run.
I really really hate my CPAP machine too Ive been using it for over 4 months and it still sucks. Its loud and I toss and turn and end up strangling myself with the tube of the thing lol. But they say it helps me and I dont wake up off of my bed that much anymore so i keep using it regardless. I heard that after a while you wont need it anymore and I cant wait! I am so pumped right now to have this surgery
I really really hate my CPAP machine too Ive been using it for over 4 months and it still sucks. Its loud and I toss and turn and end up strangling myself with the tube of the thing lol. But they say it helps me and I dont wake up off of my bed that much anymore so i keep using it regardless. I heard that after a while you wont need it anymore and I cant wait! I am so pumped right now to have this surgery