I am really really loosing patence
I started around last year at the same time the whole thing" decision to get gastric bypass". At 1st I didnt care about all the appointments after appointments with rude nurses and doctors. But after a year and still not getting a date while being stressed out at work and Dieting so that way I will have a better chance of getting it done lapriscopically is killing me right now. People that I have been working with are sooooo slow and never get back to me I feel like everything is this never ending battle. I know everyone has been through it but I really feel like I should maybee change my surgeon to someone else. I have a couple of friends and family that have had the surgery and all everyone says is that there surgeon is better and there appointments took only a month. Its really really frustrating me
While I have no tricks to help you speed things along, I can offer you encouragement to not give up - it will be so worth it in the end. If you really think that you will be in better hands switching doctors then by all mean do so. But you may want to check to see if you will have to start over at the beginning with the new surgeon or if he/she will accept all the tests and appointments that you had with your original surgeon.
Good Luck on your journey and keep you eye on the prize at the end of the tunnel. Remember you are so worth every step of this long complicated journey and you will come out stronger at the end!
Don't give up! It is well worth it in the end. I hope that everything starts to go your way and you can get your surgery soon.
Come visit my support group on Facebook:
To visit LIPO (Long Island Post Ops) bariatric support group website click here: www.liponation.org
DR. Gadeleta from north shore university. Its really not there fault its the people that are in their ring that have been taking forever along with not being able to work with my hectic work schedual. Most of them would require me taking off and my job sucks with days off. Im not payed hourly so If I were to take more days off then I have a year then they could write me up or fire me.
If I take leave from my job for the surgery they wont insure me during that time so I have to use the couple of days off I have for the surgery otherwise I would have to pay out of pocket.
Wow, I hear your frustration; I appreciate you sharing this with us!.
The preop journey can be mighty challenging to say the least. I know for myself I knew what I wanted and wanted it yesterday *oh who am I kidding would of liked it 20 yrs previously!*! This calls up for me many similar issues with life in general; I do not do well when I am not in control. For me over time I have discovered that there are many life events I have absolutely no control or influence over...when I started accepting this and actually embracing it for truth vs rebelling (my little inner kid hates to be told NO!), denying, avoiding, attempting to control what I can not I have a much easier time. In my acceptance and embracement of a situation I find inner peace, strength and hope and am able to find where I have control which is over my response to uncontrolable life events....they surely will keep popping up!
I do not do this all the time or perfectly, just stating it here is a good reminder to myself to utilize this vs my old ways which were neither helpful or effective.
My internal self talk (statements such a this is killing me) I find to be most damaging and I try to challenge as I can these nasty irrational beleifs. When I reframe things to: "I can overcome any obstacle set in my path" it gives me the ability to cope and move forward...it is these positive affirmations that move me further in my life than negativity. It does not mean I deny the frustration, fear (what if I never get this...), anxiety, I just feel those emotions and move through and past them..quicker than putting them away..they are still there and influence me!
http://www.dailyinspiringquotes.com or http://www.nawls.com/public/department27.cfm are 2 links i have used to help me.
Maybe use positive thinking such as:
"I AM COMMITTED TO FACE AND RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF LIVING" (i.e. no longer be morbidly obese)
"MY SUCCESS DEPENDS UPON MY CHOICES AND MY BEHAVIOR IN THE PRESENT" (i.e. doing all that is required inthe time needed to work on having the surgery, committing to a healthy lifestyle now and postop)
"ALTHOUGH I MAY NOT HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OVER WHAT HAPPENS IN MY LIFE, I CAN ALWAYS CONTROL MYSELF AND HOW I RESPOND TO WHAT HAPPENS" (i.e. there may be time delays and or complications but how I manage them if they happen is up to me).
For me when I get into the 'Neverending battle mindset' it is surely challenging to work through, I know waiting is difficult but while I waited I chose to embrace the opportunity to have a dress rehearsal, no time is wasted this way, each moment has something to afford and teach me, I can learn from each challeng ethat comes my way..patience is on thing I get to practice over and over, frustration tolerance, perserverance, avoidance of procrastination, overcoming fear, anxiety..Gratitude helps me each day....I wishyou well, keep posting, sharing your journey wewant to validate you and give back what we have to offer as well, together we can not only survive we can live and THRIVE! No longer victims!
This is your journey, you are in cotrol of what surgeon to choose, although the speed of which it happens may be outside your control and that may be difficult to accept, what can you do along this time to help you vs staying stuck in the hopelessness and stress? I know for myself stress leads to emotional eating and lack of progress with my overall goal of a healthy life..this won't change I assure you as a postop, so working on it now can only assist you down the road so to speak!

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"