14 days till the surgery and I may have to cancel
I am scheduled November 4th on Long Island with Dr. Brackman. I have jumped through all the hoops, had the tube in my throat and up my nose, been poked and proded and shocked and demeaned on many occasions.
Now, today I find out it may have all be for nothing. Not one person I know can come with me, you see. And, according to the good doctor you must have someone come because of "after your are released and in the hotel" requirements. I am not saying that I don't need the care because if he says I do, I am sure I will but no one I know can spare 11 days and hundreds of dollars, no one I know in fact gets paid vacation or sick leave besides me and no one I know can drop their life to drive to Long Island for 11 days just because. even those who want to come - can't, there is no way.
So because I have no one to come - I may have to cancel - since I will never likely have anyone to come - it seems like a lost cause completely.
Anyone know someone in Long Island willing to care for someone for a few days for as little money as possible (I am just barely making the cost of the air fare and hotel, much less a personnel nurse for several days)?
Thanks for reading.
I have until Wednesday next week to find someone or I am not aloud to go. Can anyone help?
Now, today I find out it may have all be for nothing. Not one person I know can come with me, you see. And, according to the good doctor you must have someone come because of "after your are released and in the hotel" requirements. I am not saying that I don't need the care because if he says I do, I am sure I will but no one I know can spare 11 days and hundreds of dollars, no one I know in fact gets paid vacation or sick leave besides me and no one I know can drop their life to drive to Long Island for 11 days just because. even those who want to come - can't, there is no way.
So because I have no one to come - I may have to cancel - since I will never likely have anyone to come - it seems like a lost cause completely.
Anyone know someone in Long Island willing to care for someone for a few days for as little money as possible (I am just barely making the cost of the air fare and hotel, much less a personnel nurse for several days)?
Thanks for reading.
I have until Wednesday next week to find someone or I am not aloud to go. Can anyone help?
Hi, I live on long Island and If you know when you will be released from the hospital, I'm willing to help out. My regular days off from work are Monday and Tuesday and I dont have to be to wor****il 12:30 on the other days. I'm willing to see if I can take a couple of days off to help you.(No Charge) I hate for you to have to cancel because someone can't come with you
. Please get back to me and let me know what your release date is so I can try to schedule the day off. ( you can PM my if you wish).Perhaps other folks from the NY board will read your post and also volunteer some of their time.

Hello there ,
You need someone with you to get released from the hospital , after the first few days you should be fine really . Wish I were out in Long Island to help but I'm sure you will get some help . Might want to post this also on the main board because a lot more people check that out . Do not cancel please!!!!!
You need someone with you to get released from the hospital , after the first few days you should be fine really . Wish I were out in Long Island to help but I'm sure you will get some help . Might want to post this also on the main board because a lot more people check that out . Do not cancel please!!!!!