Any non-surgeon specific, or centally located support groups?
Keep seeing so many wonderful support group reminders for the Capital Region (as well as Upstate, etc.), but these are all specifically for the surgeon[s] or medical groups involved in the original surgery, correct?
Are there currently any unified, major support gatherings for those who either might not be privy to the same type of meetings (ie: protein samplings, guest speakers, etc.), or those not living close to their surgeon? Has anyone thought of this, or like so many things in our busy (apathetic?) days, was it tried and then went 'bust' ... so to speak?
Selfishly speaking for myself -- which I truly dislike, I've had a really tough time of it since my surgery Sept. 29th, and I've never felt so alone, scared or without hope in my life. Not like me at all! Was hoping to get some answers at my first post-surgery visit to the surgeon's office this past week concerning my food choices, fears, etc. -- but it all was brushed off. Albeit, I was there primarily for them to look at the infected wound area, but taking a few extra minutes to address just a few questions about what I'd been eating so far on the pureed diet wasn't important? Or to discuss the 'pitted edema' growing in my lower abdomen even.
If I can ever find a way to access the chat room here, are there a lot of positive sharing sessions on early food choices, or tips on getting past the surprise issues no one ever mentions (at least not in my case)? Just can't continue like this, plus, as the nurses coming to my home to debride & care for the wound keep reminding me, my body needs even more protein to heal and move forward.
So very sorry to ramble and whine (without cheese too!), but obviously the kind, helpful patient assistance one expects after surgery isn't going to come from the corner I'd expected.
Thanks for listening; will gladly accept any and all tips, comments or help.
Are there currently any unified, major support gatherings for those who either might not be privy to the same type of meetings (ie: protein samplings, guest speakers, etc.), or those not living close to their surgeon? Has anyone thought of this, or like so many things in our busy (apathetic?) days, was it tried and then went 'bust' ... so to speak?
Selfishly speaking for myself -- which I truly dislike, I've had a really tough time of it since my surgery Sept. 29th, and I've never felt so alone, scared or without hope in my life. Not like me at all! Was hoping to get some answers at my first post-surgery visit to the surgeon's office this past week concerning my food choices, fears, etc. -- but it all was brushed off. Albeit, I was there primarily for them to look at the infected wound area, but taking a few extra minutes to address just a few questions about what I'd been eating so far on the pureed diet wasn't important? Or to discuss the 'pitted edema' growing in my lower abdomen even.
If I can ever find a way to access the chat room here, are there a lot of positive sharing sessions on early food choices, or tips on getting past the surprise issues no one ever mentions (at least not in my case)? Just can't continue like this, plus, as the nurses coming to my home to debride & care for the wound keep reminding me, my body needs even more protein to heal and move forward.
So very sorry to ramble and whine (without cheese too!), but obviously the kind, helpful patient assistance one expects after surgery isn't going to come from the corner I'd expected.
Thanks for listening; will gladly accept any and all tips, comments or help.
Suzanne: The groups here in upstate NY at AMC, Ellis, Saratoga and Glens Falls are all open to anyone regardless of surgeon, surgery....................You may of course find more Ellis folks there and AMC there but esp in Saratoga and Glens Falls we have amixed variety!!! I have facilitated Saratoga for over 5yrs now and I always opened it to anyone, we had folks from CT, CA etc it is about support not the surgeon.......We also have visitors that are from out of town attend always welcome!
This is my recommendation going to see clinical nutrion docs is imperative after surgey and I know some programs do not include that. Here is contact info, I hope you make a call as you are worth this! I go at least 102x yr and will for life, this is the important part. Surgeons are usually done once they operate, not able to accomodate nutrition issues longterm, not their interest typically or area of expertise, not good or bad just reality..
I statted Saratoga when they had a program but have continued it with great success IMHO up to 30 folsk many worth it..
It is sad for me to see bariatric programs that are not multidisciplinary and fail to include nutrition or psychology or support..I guess we can go with the status quo or ask for what we need or find it in the commuity!
I recommend my Clinical Nutrition Group in Albany: (they do all sorts of nutrition issues, up to and including bariatric surgery.....all are great providers I see Dr Denning)...
Albany Clinical Nutrition
1240 New Scotland Road
Slingerlands, NY 12159
(518) 475-7000 X4
Vanessa Denning, MD
Ann V. Michelek, MD
Barbara Kapuscinska, MD
Carol R. Santoro, MD
Ellen Goke NP
Kathleen Callahan RD
Dr Sharon Alger 262-5299
& Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom
AMC Bariatrics Center
47 New Scotland Avenue, MC 61
Section of Bariatrics/Div. Gen. Sur
Albany, NY 12208
Jill Braverman-Panza, MD.
1375 Washington Avenue, Suite 202.
Albany, New York 12206
I do not know if Jill is taking new pts have to call to find out! She is more a PCP with subspecialty in bariatrics the other 2 groups are more specialist types.
These are the online/in-person groups I know of...updated 10/13/08ALL ARE OPEN TO ALL PREOP/POSTOP patients and their support persons regardless of surgey, surgeon!
I have facilitated a Bariatric Support Group in Saratoga Springs since mid-2003
(at the time Dr.'s Yeaton/Anderson were performing RNY at that hospital).
1st Monday of the Month at Saratoga Hospital in the Board Room
211 Church Street Saratoga Springs NY 12866
this is Saratoga's website the board room is downstairs floor, if you are in front of hospital look to right of main entrance, says same day surgery go in first door on left!
My contact info [email protected] or (office) 518 626-5404 *can call and by 3pm if I cancel due to weather it will reflect that on my VM message, or hospital operator 587-3222 would know or on our website:
I usually present a topic (realistic expectations, WLS lifestyle, protein
sampling, trimming the psychological fat, regain issues, body image/self
esteem...are some) and from time to time we also have some guest speakers.
Glens Falls (please call to confirm as it has tendency to change w/o my
awareness/dates time place etc.!) Karen Hogan @ (518) 926-2615 or email her @ [email protected] Meets every other month (EVEN NUMBERED MONTHS), on the second WEDNESDAY of EVEN NUMBERED months, at 6:00-7:30 p.m. Glens Falls Hospital Community Learning Center Side B- in Glens Falls, NY. It doesn't matter which hospital, surgeon, type of surgery, or nutritionist you are using. It is open to anyone who would like more information.
In Albany Med has 4 support groups CALL FOR ROOM LOCATION: (518) 262-2195
1) A general preop/postop support groups EVERY Thursday 5:30-7:30pm (open to anyone) but mainly Dr. Singh/Dr. Rosati patients attend. Janet Folkman CSW and 4 yr postop RNY patient is facilitating. [email protected]
2) Lap Band Support group at Albany Med SECOND Monday of the Month 5pm-6:30pm same waiting area as above. Janet facilitates.
3) LONGTERM WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY SUPPORT (those over 1 year out) SECOND MONDAY AT AMC 6:30pm-8pm same waiting area as above
I runs Lap Band & 1 yr out groups. [email protected] Janet facilitates
I believe they have an answering machine system to call in case of
cancellations/in climate weather (518) 262-2195
4) General support group Various Mondays 2-4pm call for info.
***NOTE AS OF MAY 2008 ACN's are on HOLD!!!!!******call for more info
Albany Clinical Nutrition 1240 New Scotland Road Slingerlands, NY 12159
(518) 475-7000 X4 WAS Run by:
Kathleen Callahan RD [email protected] (she has recently taken position at AMC )EVERY TUESDAY 5-7pm in their waiting room. She usually does a topic w/ handouts.
THIRD Tuesday of the month is dedicated to 1 year plus issues!
A newer group, I have little info on and have never attended is in Gloversville NY
(run by a patient OH chapter leader trained) CALL TO CHECK ON THIS!!!!
Meeting every Second and Forth Sunday of the Month Place: Nathan Littauer Hospital 99 E. State St Gloversville, NY in the Auditorium Time: 6pm to 8pm Please Email Staci White with any Questions at:
[email protected] is her OH profile
Here is all the info on Ellis I have
Bariatric Support Groups give weight loss patients and potential patients an
intimate forum to discuss personal and medical issues. The group meets the first
Monday and the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Ellis Hospital's
George Wm. Graham Auditorium. Support groups are supervised by a medical
professional and feature a guest speaker such as a nutritionist, a psychologist,
an endocrinologist, or a surgeon.
Parking for both the seminar and support group is available, free of charge, in
the Ellis Hospital parking garage, which is accessible from Nott Street. Please
note that attendees may be dropped off directly outside the auditorium door,
which is accessible from Parking Lot # 1 off of Rosa Road.
Ellis Hospital Bariatric Care Center
1405 Fulton Avenue
Schenectady, NY 12308
Phone: 518.243.1313
Fax: 518.831.7007
Email: [email protected]
The group meets the first Monday and the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Ellis Hospital's George Wm. Graham Auditorium. Support groups are supervised by a medical professional and feature a guest speaker such as a nutritionist, a psychologist, an endocrinologist, or a surgeon.
Posted by: [email protected] Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:10 am (PST)
Please do not forget that all bariatric patients - regardless of surgeon chosen, are welcome to attend the Ellis Bariatric Support Group meetings. We have always been an open meeting and do provide documentation of attendance for compliance with different surgical program pre-requisites. The meetings are run by Pamela Spicer and topics vary (based on the "Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients" and certified by Bariatric Support Centers, International ) and time is provided for small group discussion or networking time at the end of each meeting.
[email protected]
This is my recommendation going to see clinical nutrion docs is imperative after surgey and I know some programs do not include that. Here is contact info, I hope you make a call as you are worth this! I go at least 102x yr and will for life, this is the important part. Surgeons are usually done once they operate, not able to accomodate nutrition issues longterm, not their interest typically or area of expertise, not good or bad just reality..
I statted Saratoga when they had a program but have continued it with great success IMHO up to 30 folsk many worth it..
It is sad for me to see bariatric programs that are not multidisciplinary and fail to include nutrition or psychology or support..I guess we can go with the status quo or ask for what we need or find it in the commuity!
I recommend my Clinical Nutrition Group in Albany: (they do all sorts of nutrition issues, up to and including bariatric surgery.....all are great providers I see Dr Denning)...
Albany Clinical Nutrition
1240 New Scotland Road
Slingerlands, NY 12159
(518) 475-7000 X4
Vanessa Denning, MD
Ann V. Michelek, MD
Barbara Kapuscinska, MD
Carol R. Santoro, MD
Ellen Goke NP
Kathleen Callahan RD
Dr Sharon Alger 262-5299
& Dr. Jennifer Lindstrom
AMC Bariatrics Center
47 New Scotland Avenue, MC 61
Section of Bariatrics/Div. Gen. Sur
Albany, NY 12208
Jill Braverman-Panza, MD.
1375 Washington Avenue, Suite 202.
Albany, New York 12206
I do not know if Jill is taking new pts have to call to find out! She is more a PCP with subspecialty in bariatrics the other 2 groups are more specialist types.
These are the online/in-person groups I know of...updated 10/13/08ALL ARE OPEN TO ALL PREOP/POSTOP patients and their support persons regardless of surgey, surgeon!
I have facilitated a Bariatric Support Group in Saratoga Springs since mid-2003
(at the time Dr.'s Yeaton/Anderson were performing RNY at that hospital).
1st Monday of the Month at Saratoga Hospital in the Board Room
211 Church Street Saratoga Springs NY 12866
this is Saratoga's website the board room is downstairs floor, if you are in front of hospital look to right of main entrance, says same day surgery go in first door on left!
My contact info [email protected] or (office) 518 626-5404 *can call and by 3pm if I cancel due to weather it will reflect that on my VM message, or hospital operator 587-3222 would know or on our website:
I usually present a topic (realistic expectations, WLS lifestyle, protein
sampling, trimming the psychological fat, regain issues, body image/self
esteem...are some) and from time to time we also have some guest speakers.
Glens Falls (please call to confirm as it has tendency to change w/o my
awareness/dates time place etc.!) Karen Hogan @ (518) 926-2615 or email her @ [email protected] Meets every other month (EVEN NUMBERED MONTHS), on the second WEDNESDAY of EVEN NUMBERED months, at 6:00-7:30 p.m. Glens Falls Hospital Community Learning Center Side B- in Glens Falls, NY. It doesn't matter which hospital, surgeon, type of surgery, or nutritionist you are using. It is open to anyone who would like more information.
In Albany Med has 4 support groups CALL FOR ROOM LOCATION: (518) 262-2195
1) A general preop/postop support groups EVERY Thursday 5:30-7:30pm (open to anyone) but mainly Dr. Singh/Dr. Rosati patients attend. Janet Folkman CSW and 4 yr postop RNY patient is facilitating. [email protected]
2) Lap Band Support group at Albany Med SECOND Monday of the Month 5pm-6:30pm same waiting area as above. Janet facilitates.
3) LONGTERM WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY SUPPORT (those over 1 year out) SECOND MONDAY AT AMC 6:30pm-8pm same waiting area as above
I runs Lap Band & 1 yr out groups. [email protected] Janet facilitates
I believe they have an answering machine system to call in case of
cancellations/in climate weather (518) 262-2195
4) General support group Various Mondays 2-4pm call for info.
***NOTE AS OF MAY 2008 ACN's are on HOLD!!!!!******call for more info
Albany Clinical Nutrition 1240 New Scotland Road Slingerlands, NY 12159
(518) 475-7000 X4 WAS Run by:
Kathleen Callahan RD [email protected] (she has recently taken position at AMC )EVERY TUESDAY 5-7pm in their waiting room. She usually does a topic w/ handouts.
THIRD Tuesday of the month is dedicated to 1 year plus issues!
A newer group, I have little info on and have never attended is in Gloversville NY
(run by a patient OH chapter leader trained) CALL TO CHECK ON THIS!!!!
Meeting every Second and Forth Sunday of the Month Place: Nathan Littauer Hospital 99 E. State St Gloversville, NY in the Auditorium Time: 6pm to 8pm Please Email Staci White with any Questions at:
[email protected] is her OH profile
Here is all the info on Ellis I have
Bariatric Support Groups give weight loss patients and potential patients an
intimate forum to discuss personal and medical issues. The group meets the first
Monday and the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Ellis Hospital's
George Wm. Graham Auditorium. Support groups are supervised by a medical
professional and feature a guest speaker such as a nutritionist, a psychologist,
an endocrinologist, or a surgeon.
Parking for both the seminar and support group is available, free of charge, in
the Ellis Hospital parking garage, which is accessible from Nott Street. Please
note that attendees may be dropped off directly outside the auditorium door,
which is accessible from Parking Lot # 1 off of Rosa Road.
Ellis Hospital Bariatric Care Center
1405 Fulton Avenue
Schenectady, NY 12308
Phone: 518.243.1313
Fax: 518.831.7007
Email: [email protected]
The group meets the first Monday and the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Ellis Hospital's George Wm. Graham Auditorium. Support groups are supervised by a medical professional and feature a guest speaker such as a nutritionist, a psychologist, an endocrinologist, or a surgeon.
Posted by: [email protected] Tue Oct 30, 2007 5:10 am (PST)
Please do not forget that all bariatric patients - regardless of surgeon chosen, are welcome to attend the Ellis Bariatric Support Group meetings. We have always been an open meeting and do provide documentation of attendance for compliance with different surgical program pre-requisites. The meetings are run by Pamela Spicer and topics vary (based on the "Success Habits of Weight Loss Surgery Patients" and certified by Bariatric Support Centers, International ) and time is provided for small group discussion or networking time at the end of each meeting.
[email protected]
Take Care, 
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"