UPDATE: Still hurting
Well, I saw my doctor for my first post op on Wednesday. He explained that the pain I had while swallowing was being caused by the swelling and trauma that the staples cause. He suggested several things, including an overnight stay in the hospital which I politely declined! Enough of that! But he put me on an antiacid that should help calm things down and told me to try milk. I had already tried the antiacid with no luck, so I tried the milk and was introduced to my first episode of dumping! That's a shock! But I'm over it and ready to move on. I just won't try milk for a week or two. Now the good news....at the doctor's office I found out I've lost 18 pounds already! I guess that's what happens when you can only eat broth and popsicles! And even better...this morning I was able to get down about a 1/2 oz of eggbeaters! And I feel much less pain with swallowing liquids!! I guess you just have to be willing to wait things out and keep the faith! Things get better! I'm feeling better everyday now! Thanks!!