Update and surgery date
I just want to give you all an update-
I had an appt with Dr.Posner Office about 5 1/2weeks ago
I had to start the South Beach Diet First they told me I ad to lose 10/11 pounds
Then I had a follow up with the dietican- then she told me i had to lose 12 pounds
I also had to go for my blood work and get all my result from previous testing
Then I Actually had my First apt with the Surgeon on Monday-then he told me if my weight goes he will post pone surgery-
I was a bit dissapponted since my tentive Sugery Date isnt until November 19th
It seems so far away- But I am schedulued for a EGD on october 10th which will determine wheather they will consider moving the date up if everything comes back ok-
I am a bit worried as I have had problems with the Hplori in the past and he will not do sugery until its been takern care of if i still have it-
I also have to go for more blood test and EKG-
this is the process that my dr requires- but I am hoping that my surgery date with be sooner- please pray for me-
If anyone has any suggestions to help me I would love to hear from you- Thanks for listening
One thought about all of this is work on losing more wt by keeping up the dress rehearsal for WLS, making the lifestyle shifts in your eating choices, emotional managment and exercise routine...It doesnt get easier after surgery to do the right thing for many...beyond the early honeymoon....This is a fantastic opportunity to practice is a reframe vs such a long wait....
WLS is about lifechanging not wt changing IMHO and doing all we can preop and postop to change our life is imperative, the wt does as we do with the choices we choose so to speak.....the wt loss is a bonus....
I would think you are doing this to be helathy so getting as healthy as u can preop no matter how long it may take i the surgeons goal, I know I wanted my surgery long before I had itm it was rescheduled 3x due to a nursing shortage, I beleive it happens wehn it should when we are most ready! Go on to lose 20# if you can to be healthy!
In our program we are required to loose 10% of our body wt before surgery....
Loosing weight pre-op is required by many surgeons & for many reasons... and I am so happy I did!
1.. to show motivation,
2.. ability to adhere to a plan (as we will need to for life!), if you can't be mindful and able to follow restrictions pre-op how will you do it post-op?
3.. to increase your health even a modest 5-10% wt. loss is very helpful, the National Institute of health has even researched this...(hence why weigh****chers is so focused on the 10% wt loss)
4.. decreases surgical complications (by exercise and decrease wt your heart and lungs are in better shape for surgery, anesthesia and healing!)...
5.. Also psychologically it is tough going from a super-sized big Mac meal to clear liquids for 2 weeks post-op!
6.. ***MAIN ONE FOR PROTEIN SPARING or MEDIFAST DIETING***It helps shrink the liver and this eases their surgical procedure and decreases chance of nicking it....
7.. exercising before helps you continue after!
8..The more you lose pre-op the less you will have to lose post-op and the closer to an ideal body-wt you will attain!
I lost the weight by doing the food pyramid. That's it, I was eating so bad (fast food daily, large portions, consuming every high-fat/sugar thing imaginable and NOT exercising that just cutting down and walking 2 miles a day helped!
For ME, it was "no one" was going to stop me from having this operation, it was my decision and all that was asked of me was to loose 30 lbs, I figured this is a small price for such a wonderful gift I would be given and the opportunity to have a healthier happier longer life....! I was so motivated/psyched; I dropped 30 pounds in 30 days and went on to drop 15 more before surgery! (Although this took me 2 months, as it got harder and I had a few last meals, we all do but you can't let this ruin your opportunity!) I believe it is what allowed me to get to a normal BMI as well! And it is not unheard of for surgeons to postpone or cancel surgeries if one gains weight!!!
Exercise was another key; I faithfully walked 2 miles everyday..it helped that my mom went with me a lot! (a buddy is so helpful!) I followed the food pyramid given to me by clinical nutritionist Dr. Boham...I also wrote everything down (Many find www.fitday.com helpful for this) that went in my MOUTH!!! Or you can get food pyramid/bullseye version at: http://www.xenical.com/hcp/1400_Am_Beye.pdf
I also had to remind myself how BAD I wanted this! Everyday it was/had to be more important to me to change my bad habits and lose weight to have this surgery than to continue to slowly kill myself with food/keep myself from the only hope I had!. I also told everyone about my plans and they helped support me, my friends/family and coworkers! I really can't give you any more guidance than this, it really had to come from within, it was a mindset with me, and I wanted this BAD real bad and I knew it was my last resort/chance! I felt invigorated and motivated by the end results...the long-term had to outweigh the short-term gratification of eating bad choices or overeating! It was a learning opportunity for me to change my habits and practice chewing well, not drinking with meals and eating smaller portions, giving up sugar/caffeine/carbonation/alcohol (if any of those are your issues, carbonation/caffeine/alcohol weren't issues for me)!
So a few weeks/months of healthy habits to lose pre-op wt is not a lot if you frame it right! IT IS NOT FOREVER and it is about starting this journey!

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"