Lelito-psychologist in Buffalo pls help others!
Hi all, i'm new the site...but i saw this topic i needed to respond....my appt was with Lelito this morning at 10am....i was all set and ready to go, he called me at 8:30am and told me he had really bad food poisoning and would have to cancel, but they could get me in soon and would waive the copay. at the end i said 'hope you feel better' cuz i'm a nice person and all, and he hung up! lol
this is my last step before approval, my co-worker just got his approval, he had Lelito as well and he didn't recommend anything for him. he said to not talk to much...keep your answers simple and he actually printed out the script for bariatric surgery online, you see all of the questions and prepare your answers ahead of time....even tho it's not like most of us eat crap....no one's perfect but apparently he thinks they should be....i'll probably post again after my appt.
they need to get rid of him

Really I am totally non-violent