Dr. Posner in buffalo
synergy is an amazing place... the doctor was amazing and they have so much support... the meeting i went to was so informative!!!
and GO FIGURE... a month after i started with synergys process... someone from posners group called me and asked if i was interested in an application!!!! so 2-3 months later, they may call you!!!

i think you have to do the 6mth diet with your primary... you might want to call them though --- just pick an option that will get you a real person!!! --- because i heard they have you do the south beach diet before surgery --- but im not 100% positive...
good luck!
I too went with posner's group at first. I received my application back in May, turned everything in, and after call after call to see where I was in the application process without any return calls, I went with Synergy.
I am having the lap band done with Dr. Viglianco as I was just approved today for surgery. Viglianco and Caruana are both excellent surgeons after doing much research. Caruana does open while Viglianco does laproscopic. Caruana is the "grandfather" of RNY surgery in Buffalo.
There are many more pluses with this group! I had back surgery done in July and the surgeon that did it shares a floor with Caruana and Viglianco from Synergy. I cannot say enough about Sister's Hospital!
The floor is beautiful! They are all single rooms with flat screen t.v.s. It doesn't even look like a hospital floor! The nurses were great and I never waited long after pushing the call button.
The funniest thing is Posner's group skipped my to get into their info group in August and was told I had to wait until end of Oct. Well, I will be having surgery with Viglianco by then!
Which surgeon left the practice?
I saw the psychologist 2 months before I got an appt. You have to have the psych consult and all of your paperwork in before an appt. I would recommend scheduling an appt. with Dr. Lelito (psych) as soon as possible.
I believe they have their own nut since before surgery you go for a nut/exercise class before.
Dr. Lelito may also have you meet with a nut and/or counselor before he will approve you. If you play your cards right with him you can get around this. Never tell him you eat fast food! Tell him that your portions are too large. Tell him that you bake, broil or grill food. Never mention fried! He can hold up you getting an appt. I just mentioned that I was depressed due to being overweight and he made me go for counseling before he wrote his approval letter. I didn't have to go for nutritional counseling though. He can hold things up for you so beware!!!!
Posner's group uses Lelito too.
I would say go ahead and start your diet!