Just had my TT and BL
This is my first forum post! I just had my PS last week. I had a TT and BL with implants done. My doc is happy with my recovery. I feel pretty good, but my tummy hurts. I guess it is from the muscle tightening he did. I can' believe the difference. I love it now, and I am still soooo swollen.
Thank you all for the great information on this site. I went through all the posts and was prepared for the surgery because of them. I even got my bedside toilet like someone suggested! My surgeon was Dr. Matthew Schulman. I am on my way to his profile to leave a comment.
Sally C.

We have a lot in common. Same surgeon and same procedure. Well almost same procedure. I did not have the TT done yet. I am a bit over 6 months out now and the swelling is gone, my breasts look perky like they did when I was twenty, and the implants give me my volume back. I am glad this site was helpful to you. If you don't mind, can I send you a private message? I want to ask you about the tummy tuck. I am planning on doing that with Dr. Schulman after Thanksgiving and I would love to hear some more details.
Thanks for sharing.
Congrats! I'm so jealous.
I'm also looking into a TT and BL - no implants though. I'm really interested in Dr. Schulman. Can you give me any more info about your experience with him and if it's not too forward, a price range. I have to admit, I'm a little intimidated by a plastic surgeon on
I was so surprised (pleasantly) because he was not intimidating at all. He is young which I liked, because this type of surgery is relatively new, and he is not like other PS who had to learn these operations after they were doing other things for years. He is very down to earth and put me at ease right away, and spoke with me, not at me (some of the other docs seemed so pretentious and arrogant). It was about 20,000 for the TT and BL with implants. His office offered to arrange financing, which I was going to take them up on, but I put it on a credit card with a no interest deal for 1 year. They also submitted insurance for me and I am hoping to get the panniculectomy remibursed from insurance (about 1,800) in a few months. He does give a discount if you get multiple procedures so I saved some money (I think the BL with implants is usually around 10,000 if done alone). He "threw in" a monsliftand liposuction of my hips and sides, which the other docs wanted to charge me an extra 3,500 for. He also credited my consulation fee (200) to the surgery. The price was actually equal to most docs outside of the city, and it was even cheaper than some of them! He seems to really enjoy this type of surgery and I think he really knows that we are very loyal patients who will keep coming back if they are happy.
You should at least meet him. The only thing you have to lose is the consultation fee, but I wouldn't consider it a "loss". Besides, if you like him as much as I did and choose him, you get that fee back.
Thank you so much for the reply!
I definitely plan on a consultation with him in the near future. Just trying to get my finances in order. I'm going to try to get the panni removal covered by insurance as well. I have Anthem BC/BS.
The fees are about where I thought they would be, thanks for sharing. Do you feel the lipo on your hips and thighs made a big difference? I don't really need a LBL but I think maybe an extended TT because I do need a little work on the butt & hip area.
What I REALLY need is a complete overhaul