ot; how did our mothers survive without toilet locks?
http://luvsexytrstno1.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-did-our-mothe rs-survive-without.html
Seriously. child proofing in my house is ever evolving and I have to wonder how our mothers did it without all of the locks and covers, etc we have today.
Seriously. child proofing in my house is ever evolving and I have to wonder how our mothers did it without all of the locks and covers, etc we have today.
I am pretty sure my father wished he had one when I was about 2 yrs old!!! Apparently my mom left me with him while she went grocery shopping & he fell asleep on the couch! I went into the bathroom & proceeded to "clean" the bathroom by coating everything with Vaseline & baby powder! After I was done I got a washcloth & swished it around in the blue toile****er & then went into the living room to wash my father's face!! Needless to say he wasn't happy!!! I guess my mom found the mess in the bathroom when she got home!!! She made him clean it up since it was his fault - all he had to done was stay awake for 2 hours!! That'll teach him!!!