3 days till TT surgery!
I made it. Tummy all tucked!!! The pain was very close to being the same as Gastric. I cried a bit in my bed at the hospital on Wednesday, just broke down. My b/f Joe was with me to help me feel better. The doc didn't have to do muscle repair on me, those were in good shape, but I can imagine how much more painful this would have been if he had to do that as well. My weight is up! I weighed in yesterday at 170lbs; when I went in for surgery it was between 158 & 160lbs. That's how much water I am carrying on my body. I heard you swell up, but I never heard of it going to your hips and ass. You just touch the skin on my hips and ass, and it's all hard and plumped out, looks like my skin can split; that's how bad the water is on me. I started taking water pills yesterday, and today I'm at 168lbs. I hope this goes away prior to me getting back to work on Sept 23. Ok, going to go drink some protein and vitamin c. Need it for healing. Bye, be back soon.
I'm doing alot better today. My walking has improved alot! Today is a hot one; totally unexpected for Sept 14th, so I have been uncomfortable with the binder on. So, some advise to give, don't have plastic surgery in the summer months, I thought I was doing good by having it Sept 9th, but had to rough it today. Have been itching everywhere. I guess I am beginning to heal, because the incision sites are also itchy. I see my surgeon tomorrow to get the drains out. As soon as my b/f has some time we will put new pics on.