I need a new Doctor
Hello Everyone, I work in NYC and Live in queens
I had RNY bypass 11/6/2007 and went from 347 to my current 207......140 down
My general physician seemed to be the right guy, but he doesnt know enough about post surgery care.....last night I had an issue and I think its bypass related
Can anyone recommend a good Doctor?
My Bypass was done at Lenox Hill by Dr. Shah......he's great
Hi Scott, I am in the same boat as you are. My primary care physician left his group (after 10 years) and now I am faced with looking for a new primary care doctor as well here in Suffolk County. I cannot continue to see my surgeon as he is out of network and far too expensive for me. I wish you luck in finding someone!! I know how important it is to you. Somethng the bypass surgeons don't prepare you enough for is post op care, I think they believe you will be married to them for life, but we know all too well that you have to have other options. I'm not sure general physicans are prepared enough to take us all on post care. Mine looked horrified at first mention that i would be having the surgery. Maybe that' s the reason he left his practice?...lol But I hope not.