In search of New Primary Care Physican and both have ways to search for a provider.
Abandonment of Patients
"Abandonment" occurs when a physician discontinues caring for a patient that the physician has assumed responsibility for and has not been properly relieved of that responsibility. As a concept in tort law, abandonment is subject to malpractice action, and it is also considered "unprofessional conduct" under the education law. According to Section 6530(30) of the Education Law, a physician engages in "unprofessional conduct" by abandoning or neglecting a patient who is under and in need of immediate professional care "without making reasonable arrangements for the continuation of such care". A physician who leaves the employment of a group practice, hospital, clinic or other health care facility "without reasonable notice and under cir****tances which seriously impair the delivery of professional care to patients" would also be engaging in unprofessional conduct.
Obligation to Patient - Once entering into a physician-patient relationship, physicians are under an obligation to attend a case as long as the patient is in need of care, unless the physician gives reasonable notice to withdraw from the case or is dismissed by the patient. This principle applies to both private office and hospital cases.
"Withdrawal" - "Withdrawal" is a means physicians can use to professionally and legally remove themselves from a case. A physician who wishes to withdraw from a case must give reasonable notice of this decision so that a patient can obtain the services of another physician without suffering adverse medical consequences. The physician is NOT obligated to give a reason for the withdrawal.
"Reasonable Notice" - This depends on the facts and cir****tances of the particular case. These include the condition of the patient, the size of the community, and the availability of other physicians within that community. Greater caution should be taken, and more notice given, in cases where a patient is seriously ill or has a medical condition that would make it difficult for the patient to obtain medical treatment elsewhere.
For further information and legal advise contact:
MSSNY Office of General Council
516-488-6100 ext. 320 or 323.
Disciplinary Issues
Physicians are required by law to report possible misconduct. Failure to make such a report is in itself misconduct. The investigation and prosecution of misconduct is the responsibility of the Office or Professional Medical Conduct of the Department of Health, and complaints are treated confidentially. Final decisions in disciplinary matters are made by the Board of Regents.
To report misconduct or to launch and inquiry contact:
New York State Department of Health
Office of Professional Medical Conduct
433 River Street
Suite 303
Troy, NY 12180
Licensing Issues:
New York State Education Department
Office of the Professions - State Board for Medicine
Cultural Education Center
Room 3023
Albany, NY 12230
(518) 474-3841 or (518) 474-3841

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
sorry to hyjack..
But this is more comman than people really want to thing.. And unfortunately it even happens here in the capital district. Dr. Lindstrom refused to see me when I had a severe allergic reaction after surgery. Her exact response was... He (meaning my Ellis surgeon and not an Albany Med surgeon) put you on the medication.. LET HIM treat you. 5 hours later she had her secretary call me to say that if I wasn't going to be seen by my surgeon to go immediately to the hospital. She must have actually thought about her medical oath for a split second. But that didn't stop me from filing my complaint with the AMA and Albany Med.
Lisa... HW/ 314.7 SW/ 280 CW/ 180ish
RNY ~ 01/25/2008 Terrence Clarke (Ellis Hosptial Bariatric Center).... Lower Body Lift with butt lift and upper thigh lift ~ 07/14/2009 Sanjiv Kayastha (K Plastic Surgery) -- LOVE IT !!!!