Saratoga Support group 9/1; 6-8pm on ...disappointment
BY MEMBER request we will be having our monthly support group tonight despite the HOLIDAY!
Tonights topic for discussion is DISAPPOINTMENT, chapter 9 from the Food & Feelings Workbook: A full course meal on EMOTIONAL HEALTH by Karen Koenig LCSW, MEd
Although there is no sure-fire formula for success, there is a formula for disappointment: Try to please everybody all the time.
Join us for discussing this possibly painful emotion, describing what it is, how it feels to us, identifying our disappointments around food, eating, weight and our bodies. Then identifying how we are let down by life, other people and ourselves. What is the purpose of disappointment, recognizing what we can control/can't control, why it hurts, how we came to learn about disappointment (its roots in our childhoods); reframing irrational beliefs about disappointment, discuss our needs, how sometimes our actions hinder our needs from being met, i.e. how we can set ourselves up for voluntary disappointments. How entitlement, unrealistic expectations, magical thinking play a role in this emotion. The 2 things that need to happen if we want less disappointment in our lives. How does disappointment drive us to focus on food and weight?
•WHO: Free to anyone who has had, is going to have/considering weight loss surgery in the Saratoga Springs and neighboring areas and their supportive others. Open to anyone regardless of surgeon or surgery type.
•WHAT: Support group whose goal is to share resources in learning to manage our challenges, celebrations, concerns & issues with items such as: nutrition, exercise, emotions, relationship changes, insurance concerns, plastic surgery & developing a healthy lifestyle. •WHEN: 1st Monday of the each Month 6-8pm •WHERE: Board Room of SARATOGA HOSPITAL 211 Church Street Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 for directions 518 580.2806 •HOW: For questions contact facilitator Jamie Ellis Psychiatric NP and 5 year+ Post-op bariatric patient at 626-5404 [email protected]
Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"