For ME, it was "no one" was going to stop me from having this operation, it was my decision and all that was asked of me was to loose 30 lbs, I figured this is a small price for such a wonderful gift I would be given and the opportunity to have a healthier happier longer life....! I was so motivated/psyched; I dropped 30 pounds in 30 days and went on to drop 15 more before surgery! (Although this took me 2 months, as it got harder and I had a few last meals, we all do but you can't let this ruin your opportunity!) I believe it is what allowed me to get to a normal BMI as well! And it is not unheard of for surgeons to postpone or cancel surgeries if one gains weight!!!THAT SCARED ME!
Exercise was a huge key; I faithfully walked 2 miles everyday..it helped that my mom went with me a lot! (a buddy is so helpful!) I needed it to cope with loss of food in addition to beinghealtheir and developing the habit!
I also had to remind myself how BAD I wanted this! Everyday it was/had to be more important to me to change my bad habits and lose weight to have this surgery than to continue to slowly kill myself with food/keep myself from the only hope I had!. I also told everyone about my plans and they helped support me, my friends/family and coworkers! I really can't give you any more guidance than this, it really had to come from within, it was a mindset with me, and I wanted this BAD real bad and I knew it was my last resort/chance! I felt invigorated and motivated by the end results...the long-term had to outweigh the short-term gratification of eating bad choices or overeating!
It was a learning opportunity for me to change my habits and practice chewing well, not drinking with meals and eating smaller portions, giving up sugar/caffeine/carbonation/alcohol (if any of those are your issues, carbonation/caffeine/alcohol weren't issues for me)!
So a few weeks/months of healthy habits to lose pre-op wt is not a lot if you frame it right! IT IS NOT FOREVER and it is about starting this journey!
I made it, you can too! Now almost 6 years later my only htought is I wish I had done it sooner! HUGS!

Jamie Ellis RN MS NPP
100cm proximal Lap RNY 10/9/02 Dr. Singh Albany, NY
320(preop)/163(lowest)/185(current) 5'9'' (lost 45# before surgery)
Plastics 6/9/04 & 11/11/2005 Dr. King www.albanyplasticsurgeons.com
"Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect, it just means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!"
I was on Medifast for 6 weeks last winter before my surgery with Dr. P at Ellis. The first few days are the toughest (in my opinion!) but is does get easier. I really looked forward that lean and green meal each day, drank alot of water and broth. I bought a bullet blender and that helped also. Add ice and some extracts (I added raspberry) to the vanilla. I myself was never so determined to do something as having this surgery, this is probably the toughest part but you will get through it, you will get a tremendous amount of support from everyone here. Many of us have been through the Medifast program at Ellis, but you do lose the weight and after your first visit when you see the number of pounds you have lost you will be very excited.
Easy - no, but with hard work and determination you can do it. Its mind over matter --- keep positive! Send me a PM if you have any questions.
If it is making you sick, call the office they are all very helpful (as I am sure you know).
My surgery was February 13th and WOW does time fly.
Good luck....and you can do it!
I have been denied by 7 surgeons so far. I have now found one that's actually scheduled me.
How dedicated am I? I have a documented loss of 70 pounds since May 13th. That's 17% body weight loss! I am doing it on my own (with doctor/nutritionist guidance of course).
Jamie hit it on the head - you have to want and embrace it. It's just a SMALL step of a journey you're going to be taking for the rest of your life. It's not a quick fix. It's a mechanism that you use to acheive a healthy lifestyle.
After all those denials, and even roadblocks and walls that were thrown up by my current doctor, I got frustrated and angry, but instead of stuffing food in, I used that emotion to drive myself forward - toward my goal.
This is just the start. The emotional ups and downs will be there, that's why this outlet exists. (just look at some of my posts). I found that the people here support you in the lowest of lows, and pat your back when you have those "Wow" moments.
Just set your mind to the "I'm going to do this, I'm not going to fail" mode, use your support systems (especially group), and you'll fly through this.