Time Between Tenative Ins Date and Surgery
Hi there. A lot depends on your surgeon's office. You need to ask them what their policy is. Sometimes they'll even give you a date pending approval--that's what happened with me, but that's not the norm. How far out you're scheduled depends on how busy they are, vacations, etc. If you're LOOKING to get scheduled far out, like after the summer for instance, you have to let your surgeon's office know.
Hope this helps...
I think this really varies by physician and is based upon many factors. I would think the best way to get this information is to talk with your surgeon's office staff. In my wife's and my experience, a few days after our first visit with Dr. Clarke, we had appointments scheduled for all of our required tests and a tentative surgery date. If I understand correctly our surgeon and our insurance company have a very good relationship in regards to approvals.
Very true. And my surgeon just happened to be rearranging schedules and my Approval came in June 5th and they got me scheduled for June 18th surgery! So I am all set as of today with my preadmission stuff and I go in wednesday at 630am.
If I didnt take that date I would have been looking at potentially Augustish..