??? for the seasoned vets (or anybody else w/ an answer!!
I have decided to defer to the "experts" before going to my surgeon on this one!!
Here's the scoop (& I apologize now if it becomes TMI - I'll try not to let it happen!!). Sunday I had an episode I think was dumping. The last thing I had to eat was yogurt around 4:30ish or so & around 6 I started feeling a little "off". I knew something just wasn't right. As this weird feeling progressed I became increasingly uncomfortable - rumbling inside, pain that radiated around my torso mstly on my right side in back, then the sweating & clamminess started, then the urge to poo & lastly the shaky hands. I used the bathroom a couple of times & then finally got comfotable enough to fall asleep. I slept from about 7:30 to midnight.
Fast forward to this morning... I had cheerios w/ some skim milk for bfast at work. Felt fine - great even - until about 2 hrs later... same damn thing happened!!!! I got one of my employees to drive me to my car & I got home around noon. I felt a little better when I got home - my mouth was dry so I had a drink of water but then the yuckiness came back. I finally fell asleep around one & just woke up about 5:30pm.
So my question is... is this true dumping or is it something I should be more worried about? I think the common denominater is the dairy (milk & yogurt) but I have to admit that cheerios pre-op would be the death of me if I ate too much (like 4 times the amount I ate today) so who knows!!! I feel ok right now - tired & thirsty so I am drinking my water even though I don't feel like it!! All of my meals yesterday were fine so it's not like this is a continuous thing - just a fun event to talk about!! (note the sarcasm!!)
Any advice anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated!!
Thank you!
Something about cheerios used to cause, how shall we say, intestinal discomfort but usually in quantities larger than a regular serving size. I could eat all versions except the regular plain old cheerios! Go figure!! Yes, I know I probably should've avoided them if they caused me trouble before but I have had them several time since surgery & have been fine... both with & without milk!! Must've been the luck of the draw!!
Anyway, someone else suggested carb overload... reactive hypoglycemic event based on the carbs in both the milk & cereal. I don't know what it was but I was fine with it yesterday. I feel better now & ate some softly scrambled eggs & so far so good.
Well, whatever it was I will be eating very carefully the next few days!
Well, now I am not sure what's going on. I got up at 5pm & felt better but then around 10pm started feeling crappy again. I had scrambled egg for dinner very bland & that seemed ok. I went to bed but by midnight I was up sitting in the chair - I couldn't lay down - it hurt too much!! Felt almost like a really bad gas bubble was stuck!! I spent the whole night in the chair dozing. At one point I was thowing up - dry heaving mostly. I finally was able to lay back down around 5am!! I just woke up & went to the bathroom & noticed my pee was a darker color than usual. I know my TOM is due but I don't think that's it!! I haven't been able to drink a lot over the night but right now I am. I still have some pain in the torso area but at least I can move now... it was damn near impossible to bend over last night!! WTF???? I have a call into the surgeon's office!! No clue what's going on. Thought uti but it doesn't hurt when I pee (I've only had 1 or 2 in my entire life)!! This just sucks!!
Quick Update:
I just spoke to Michael, the PA at Dr Clarke's office. He said what I am dealing with right now (the pain in my torso & back primarily the right side, discolored urine & headache) could very well be from dehydration because I was so sick last night & wasn't able to drink really anything. He figures the throwing came from the pain being so bad. He suggested I monitor it for a couple of hours & drink as much as I can handle & if it persists or worsens then I need to call my pcp. He feels it isn't bariatric related but could be a kidney stone or even just dehydration. So I am drinking (I want to eat but I am scared!!) & I will keep an eye on things!! During the overnight the pain was so bad I couldn't even lie down or bend over... now it's not too bad but still there!!
Well, crap-o-la!!! I am usually a good patient but this just sucks!!!
Ok - say a prayer for me that it's not a kidney stone - I hear they hurt like a mother!!!
Ummm....did you have your gall bladder out when you had your surgery? Sometimes the gall bladder acts up after so much weight loss. You may want to inquire others who have had this happen to them post op. Just a suggestion. I still have my gall bladder but knew someone who had back pain and it turned out to be her ...yup...gall bladder. Always check with your doctor...never take a chance, you just never know.