OT - Garage Sale TIps
I am getting my act together & am going to participate in the complex's garage sale in a couple of weeks!! Anybody have any great tips they can share??? Here's what I have so far:
~Plenty of grocery bags for people to put their purchases in.
~Stickers to mark everything.
~Plenty of change on hand... lots of singles & coins!
~I have a friend bringing me some 6 foot folding tables to set things up on.
I can't come up with anything else!! This is my first one & would like to make it as easy on me as possible!!! I am willing to dicker on prices since I don't want to have to pack things back up for next year!!!
Pray for nice weather on June 7th!!!!
mark everything just slightly higher than you actually want so when they talk you down you will be getting what you want for it if you want 2$ put 2.50 or 2.25 on the tag everyone will try to talk you down on EVERYTHING might as well play their game and start with a higher price
The longest of Journeys start with a single step
(90 lost pre-surgery)
I think you have covered it! Get plenty of rest the night before because it willl be a busy day! Price everything reasonable - if they make an offer and you really want to get rid of it take the offer its better than lugging everything back into the garage.
Have plenty of water close by ! Enjoy having a garage sale is alot of work and alot of fun plus think of how much money you will have!!
Have plenty of water close by ! Enjoy having a garage sale is alot of work and alot of fun plus think of how much money you will have!!
See we are planning a sale when school lets out. Then the kids can go through the things they want, and hopefully I will already be off work and have had surgery and be healing.
But my theory is just the opposite. We will not be marking things above what we want. I want ease, I do not want people to have to haggle with me on prices. In our area.. if the price is right it goes. and truly... anything that goes out and doesnt sell will be donated. There are clothing banks that are always in need and people look for good quality childrens toys and such as well. I would rather get a little something and make someones elses day for a great find... and get rid of something in the process than be stuck with things because I scared em away over sticker shock.
I know when I go yard/ garage saling I do not take a whole lot of cash with me. Just enough.. Unless I see something advertised as a big ticket item I have been looking for. JHMO tho.. thats just my way of holding a sale.
IMHO, be careful how high you price, I've walked away after seeing prices on just a couple of things, thinking people don't know what they are doing. And going on to the next sale. I don't waste time. When I have my sales, I don't usually have much left after noon. Price cheap and get rid of the stuff you don't want. f there is any question, don't put it out!