Albany NY questions (new here)
I have been considering surgery for 2 years and have been doing a lot of soul searching and finally made up my mind on lap band. I have my initial consultation on may 16 at albany med. incidentally i am an rn at albany med. My insurance is bsneny ppo. i read and reread the guidelines. i need to be greater than 40% Body fat. i am currently 5'4 and over 240 lbs. I have no co-morbidities (no sleep apnea or dm2). i have pcos and my knees are starting to ache all the time. i also have a bad back. Anyone have this insurance and how was it.
my questions is the 10% weight loss. do they factor in if you lose the 10% and fall below the 40% or it is the initial weight. I am really confused on that one. Anything i should know before the consultation.
thank you