I just had my surgery on 4/16/2008.
I found that laying with my knees as far up to my chest as possible (it's not easy when you have a rack that can double as a bookcase LOL) and rolling back and forth helped me. I also forced myself to walk. It wasn't far walks just a little here and there helped me. I can relate to the soreness I was so scared the soreness I felt was tearing of the stitches but they assured me it wasn't that and it was all part of the healing process. You are also only 4 days post surgery. It took me close to a week to get rid of the gas.
Good Luck!
Congratulations on your surgery. The gas is normal and will go away. try laying on your left side.
This is my impression also. I have not really been hungry at all yet. I usually eat because It is about the time I should eat. I really have to think about eating, due to the time limits with not drinking for and hour before eating or 2 1/2 hours later. It seems like I have to constantly think about when I can drink and when I should be eating so I can drink again. I can't wait until it just comes naturally. and I don't have to think so much about my supplements and when to eat.
Good luck going back to work. What type of work do you do to be able to return so quickly?