Old Memory....Same Result
When I lived in Rome, NY I went hiking with the church youth group to Pixley Falls and to Bald Mountian. Not bad....I enjoyed it.
However, there was a chaparone* who took an interest to me. He video taped me walking up the trail. It was his documentary...trying to compare the Christian life to a "big fat roley poley" trying to hike up the mountain. I am just using the term he gave me.
Anytime I am out walking in the woods or thinking about the mountains.....I think of that "person" and think...."DUDE, YOU JUST DIDN'T GET IT DID YOU...."
Anywho, last night at support group some were sharing how "people" made rude comments to them...about weight loss. Do they honestly think that we just decided one day to "lose weight" and fit in to society?
Fitnes****lers think everyone should fit a certain mold. Sure we all have faults and failures.
They may have struggles that we don't. Why do we as humans always have to one up each other?
Anywho, we discussed the various walls that we set up and try to vilify our wrong eating habits as a way of avoiding or covering/masking our damaged emotions.
Damaged emotions...not about ourselves...but about people not accepting us. I feel that was one of the biggest areas in my life. One of my "walls".
There is a book, a Christian book, about "Healing Damaged Emotions"
I think it could help in ANY situation.
Anywho...I pray that this has been a helpful post to someone today on their healing journey.
(deactivated member)
on 4/8/08 2:19 am - MT
on 4/8/08 2:19 am - MT
Thanks for sharing this hun, we all can relate in some way or another, that is for sure!
You know often I wish I could see these people now from the past that have said or done things to me, kinf of like trying to fit it. I bet it really would NOT be a good thing because now my mouth is not as NICE as it was when I was young and not so sure of myself.
I often think back and hope I did not hurt some one like that in my past with something that I said or done, sometimes we just don't know how things effect others.
Thanks again for sharing hun